Old Dominion students rush into the field after vexing Virginia Tech


Old Dominion made Saturday the biggest surprise of the college football season, the magnificent Virginia Tech 49-35. The monarchs started the season 0-3 and lost by 42 points at Liberty earlier this year, but they exploded for 28 points in the fourth quarter against the Hokies.

Five minutes from the end of the draw, quarterback Blake LaRussa threw a touchdown pass to forward Jonathan Duhart, who made it easy despite a tight coverage. LaRussa finished the match with 495 passing yards and four touchdowns, while Duhart had 142 yards and three touchdowns.

Virginia Tech advanced the ball to the Old Dominion's 21-yard line, but the Monarchs' defense forced the ball rolling. Old Dominion then flew 71 yards in six games and sealed the win with a 40-yard touchdown run.

Old Dominion fired Virginia Tech's Ryan Willis to end the match, and fans stormed the field to celebrate a historic victory.

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