Older Americans take tobacco like never before, new study finds


There has been a substantial increase in the number of middle-aged and older Americans using marijuana.

Older Americans seem to benefit as much as anyone from a more liberal view of marijuana.

According to a new study published in the journal Addiction to alcohol and drugs and quoted by Science Direct, more Americans over the age of 50 are taking marijuana more than ever. The analysis was centered on data collected as part of the national survey on drug use and health, which had allowed responses from more than 17,000 American adults over the age of 50 about their drinking habits. More than 9% of Americans aged 50 to 64 reported using marijuana in the last year, while 3% of adults over 65 reported using marijuana in the same period .

To put the numbers in context, only 7% of Americans aged 50 to 64 admitted to having used marijuana in the previous survey that was conducted almost three years before the current one, while in the same survey only 1 , 4% of Americans aged 65 admitted to having used marijuana. This is more than double the number of people over the age of 65 who take tobacco in just three years, which is explained by the relaxation of the rules regarding the use of medicinal and recreational marijuana. several US states.

As NPR According to reports, the increase in marijuana use among older Americans is directly related to states' easing rules regarding marijuana use in recent years. While some older Americans smoke marijuana for recreation only, many seniors said their doctors gave them the green light because of their health problems.

Dr. Joshua Briscoe, a palliative care physician at Duke University's School of Medicine, said that it was not surprising that doctors suggest marijuana to elderly patients, patients, and doctors. 39 so much more than this drug

"We prescribe substances that are far more dangerous than cannabinoids," Briscoe said.

However, the study also showed that the same older people who take marijuana are also more likely to turn to other drugs, including alcohol, cocaine and prescription drugs such as opioids and sedatives.

Dr. Benjamin Han, an adjunct professor of internal medicine at New York University's Faculty of Medicine and lead author of the study, also warned older people who were returning to marijuana. Seniors need to know that power of the same amount of marijuana will be much higher because of their advanced age.

"A smaller amount will hit you a lot harder when you're older," said Han.

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