Olivia Wilde and Jason Sudeikis participate in the 9th edition of the Veuve Clicquot Classic Polo in Los Angeles at Pacific Palisades, California. (Photo: Jon Kopaloff, Getty Images)

WASHINGTON – The Democrat candidate running in the 5th district of Virginia is getting some help from her famous daughter.

Democratic and longtime journalist Leslie Cockburn is planning an event Sunday in Charlottesville, Virginia, where her daughter, actress Olivia Wilde, will campaign for her.

Wilde also takes her husband, actor Jason Sudeikis, for the "This city standing and voting "event.

The A-List star couple could help, while Cockburn faces a tough race against Denver Riggleman for the seat held by Rep. Tom Garrett.

Garrett announced in May that he was not running for reelection as he was seeking treatment for alcoholism. He had been confronted with reports that he treated his staff as servants.

The open seat made the headlines late July when Cockburn claimed that Riggleman was a "Bigfoot eroticism enthusiast". Riggleman stated that his description was a false representation of a parody book of which he was the author.

More: "Bigfoot erotica" in the limelight after the Democratic Party of Virginia has called its opponent GOP "devotee"

More: How politics led to an 8,000% increase in Bigfoot erotica research on Pornhub

Virginia Democrat Leslie Cockburn tweeted about her GOP opponent Denver Riggleman. (Photo: Capture via Twitter)

"My opponent Denver Riggleman, Corey Stewart's teammate, was filmed with a white supremacist," Cockburn wrote on Twitter. "Now he has been exposed as a Bigfoot eroticism enthusiast.This is not what we need at Capitol Hill."

This tweet and a subsequent tweet included screenshots of Instagram posts containing Bigfoot with "censored" bars.

Riggleman, a Republican, military veteran and artisanal distillery owner, said that Cockburn had misconstrued his book "The Mating Habits of Bigfoot", which he described as "long prank" with his friends. He said the book was a travesty of an anthropological study.

"It has nothing to do with Bigfoot Erotica," Riggleman told USA TODAY.

The comings and goings have become viral and search for the term "bigfoot erotica" which has taken a leap forward. 8000 percent on Pornhub.

Read or share this story: https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/politics/onpolitics/2018/10/09/olivia-wilde-helps-mom-leslie-cockburn-virginia-congressional-bid/1583646002/