On a United Airlines flight, a passenger gets a dangerous surprise (and a stroke of luck)


Absurdly Driven looks at the business world with a skeptical eye and a firmly rooted language.

I have experienced quite a lot of painful flights

5 hours of non-stop turbulence, for example. Be struck by lightning twice. (The plane, not me.) Even, well, kids who do not want to shut up.

I have never seen the roof fall.

Here's what happened on a United Airlines flight from Amsterdam. As Fox 5 reported, he received a video from an anonymous passenger who shows that a substantial piece had fallen off the ceiling and onto a passenger.

Those in the air told Fox 5 that the plane had suffered a hard landing

But for an entire ceiling panel to come right away, this seems a little strange .

You could hear an airplane rattle during, say, turbulence. It is certainly rarer, however, to see a whole ceiling panel appear

Oh, not so uncommon, maybe …

That's only in April that's when it's all right. a mom on a flight from American Airlines insisted that a ceiling board fall on her son's head during what she called a routine landing.

An oxygen tank also seems to have been detached

I asked United for his opinion on the falling panel and I will update it. Generally, US airlines have an excellent safety record. The horrible tragedy that occurred last April when a woman on a Southwest Airlines flight died after a windbreak struck a window was the first death since 2009.

People however, the dry face may mumble that planes are used in their limits. maximized profit service. That means more miles, shorter turnaround times, and perhaps an inattentive interview from time to time.

United told Fox 5 that there were no injuries, but that could easily have happened. It looks like a piece of ceiling almost as big as the Creation of Adam in the Sistine Chapel.

The airline says that she apologized to the passenger.

One could also have hoped for a small gift

A travel voucher and a year from Advil, perhaps.

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