On October 17th, Earth will face a non-circular Nibiru – experts


The conspiracy assumes that Nibiru is not a planet.

17 октября с Землёй столкнётся некруглая Нибиру - эксперты

The politicians of the planet and the scientists who did not understand what they knew about knowledge were aware of the prerequisites for the Apocalypse. This calls for conspiracy theorists, who have reached the real day of "encounters" with Planet X. One of the most dramatic statements about the unknown made by Planet Hunters' expert scientific group, which has spoke at a TED conference two years ago.

She announced the details of the strange behavior of the stars. To summarize the above scientists, computerized transit sensors report that stars have experienced a significant decline in the luminosity of the largest objects in our galaxy. Long known that all shining bodies in space disappear one day. But in the observations of five years ago, there was a sharp rise of 15% in a few weeks, after which the hours stabilized. All spoke of the fact that the signals of the objects on the ground were blocked by something that was ten times larger than the "blue planet" and which had a non-circular shape.

17 октября с Землёй столкнётся некруглая Нибиру - эксперты

Surprisingly, a second scientist came and conspiracy theorists and ordinary observers. In the day, the sky can record not only strange bulky bodies, but also clear lines, similar to the shadow square or to other shapes. In recent months, Nibiru's shadow has become more than that about his approach. A collision will take place on October 17th, experts. For this reason, consider the true form of the planet X hard.

Hence the question: if Nibiru is a planet. Maybe this huge asteroid, irregularly shaped. Or humanity hastily called another unknown object "Nibiru", not understanding what he was dealing with. Experts in sociology also argue that the increase in the number of protests provoked by the influence of the planet's approach and that mercantile policies are widely used in their own interest because public outrage has always been a forerunner of the disaster.

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