On ‘S.N.L.,’ Republican Senators Host a Locker Room Celebration for Kavanaugh’s Confirmation


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There were no surprise celebrity guests to come to the rescue of “Saturday Night Live” this weekend — no return visits from Matt Damon as Judge Brett Kavanaugh or Alec Baldwin as President Trump. So the show’s ensemble cast was on its own, for better or for worse, to address Kavanaugh’s contentious confirmation to the Supreme Court in its cold opening, just a few hours after the narrow Senate vote.

This broadcast, hosted by the comic actress Awkwafina (“Ocean’s 8,” “Crazy Rich Asians”) — one of the very few Asian women to host the show in its history — and featuring the musical guest Travis Scott, made an oblique acknowledgment of the representation issues that “S.N.L.” frequently faces. The episode also addressed, in comic fashion, a controversial speech that the rapper Kanye West made on set in support of Trump last week after the closing credits rolled.

But first, that cold open.

In a sketch purporting to be a TV broadcast from a raucous, revelry-filled Republican locker room, Heidi Gardner played the CNN correspondent Dana Bash, quizzing various senators who were cheering Kavanaugh’s appointment. “There a lot of pacemakers being put to the test tonight,” she said.

Beck Bennett, playing Mitch McConnell, declared, “Republicans read the mood of the country and we could tell that people really wanted Kavanaugh. Everyone’s pumped, from white men over 60 to white men over 70.”

A filmed segment poked fun at Wednesday’s test of the “Presidential Alert” system, intended for use in national emergencies, as busy citizens were barraged with other, far less consequential messages delivered over the text-messaging system: “Failing New York Times Says I Cheated on Taxes. Duh! It’s called being smart!” “Puerto Rico is fine now! I guess the paper towels worked!”

In a twist ending, the segment was revealed as a commercial for Cricket Wireless, boasting, “Now aren’t you happy we have awful service?”

‘Weekend Update’ Jokes of the Week

At the “Weekend Update” desk, anchors Colin Jost and Michael Che continued to riff on the Kavanaugh confirmation.


Even if you look past Dr. Ford’s testimony, which many people seem to have no trouble doing, Kavanaugh did a bunch of disqualifying stuff, just this past week. He basically lied under oath at a job interview to become a judge. That’s like cheating on your wife during your wedding. And then after he went full “Do you know who my father is?” at the confirmation hearing, he had to publish an apology letter in The Wall Street Journal, which is something A.A. calls “Step 9.”


My question is for the five out of six Republican women that voted for Kavanaugh. So are y’all like hostages? This feels like one of those horror movies where the white lady’s in love with the monster but doesn’t know it. And all the black people watching are like, “Aw, man, you about to get ate.” This is not good for any of us. And I say us, because if these Republicans don’t care about you, they definitely don’t care about me. If a white lady in tears can’t get justice, then there’s no hope for my black [expletive] in Jordans.


I’m also angry at Democrats like Cory Booker, who came out and called Brett Kavanaugh evil when his nomination was first announced. Then when he was accused of actual evil, they had nowhere to go. It’s like seeing O.J. do a Hertz commercial in the ’80s, and saying, “This is the worst thing he’ll ever do.”

‘Weekend Update’ Characters of the Week

Reprising their frequent roles as Eric Trump and Donald Trump Jr., Alex Moffat and Mikey Day returned to the “Weekend Update” desk of “S.N.L.,” which Day mockingly said stood for “Saturday Night Liberals.”

With the midterm elections approaching, the actors playing the Trump sons said that they had both been given important assignments by their father. “He asked me to stump for Republicans on the campaign trail,” Day said.

Moffat: “And he asked me not to do that.”

Day: “That’s right, bud. You get to stay home and watch all the action on TV.”

Threatening to take the “Update” chair away from Jost, Day said, “I’ve got some jokes I can tell.”

Moffat: “Me, too. What did the gay black Jew — ”

Day: “No, don’t tell that, no. No. You can’t tell that joke.”

Moffat: “But dad does.”

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