On the ISS sent the work Simon: photo – 24 Channel


<img class = "aligncenter" src = "http://ktelegram.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/06/2d37e8f4d8b25e21ff2e4161a5b5b4cd.jpg" alt = "At the International Space Station aboard Falcon rocket, launched June 29, I piloted an experimental robot with a cartoon.

About this written BBC.

Work called Simon, English Cimon, which means Crew Interactive Mobile Companion, c & rsquo; Ie the mobile interactive companion of the crew.

The robot will instruct astronauts, helping them to conduct scientific experiments.It will be able to respond to vocal demands

On Earth Simon weighs 5 pounds.In the body of Simon, integrated microphones and cameras

Simon commissioned by the German Space Agency developed the Airbus and IBM

 На МКС відправили робота Саймона: фото - 24 Канал [19659004] Simon Astronaut Assistant

What is the ISS? C? Is a space station orbiting the Earth, created for scientific research in outer space. ISS was a joint project between NASA and Roscosmos. To perform a variety of works, astronauts do regular EVAs. In May 2017, because of the ISS 200 astronauts in space, for a total duration of 1247 hours and 55 minutes.

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