On Twitter, Canadians are more polite than Americans


Canadians were more likely to use words like "good, thanks, good, amazing, happy," the results said.



WASHINGTON: It's a tired cliché, but on Twitter, it sounds fair: Canadians are more polite than Americans, saying more often words like "great" and "thank you," said a scientific study Wednesday.

The report published in the journal PLOS ONE, led by three researchers from McMaster University, analyzed 37 million tweets published in 2015-2016.

Canadians were more likely to use words like "excellent, thank you, good, amazing, happy," the results said.

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Americans, on the other hand, tended to write words such as "hate, love, miss, mad, feel, swear, tired."

Americans were also much more likely to use emoticons than Canadians, such as laughter and heart-turning, and use Internet acronyms such as lol and idk.

In other words, "US tweets outnumber Canadians in US tweets," the report says.

"American lexical choices show a clear relative preference for taboo words, including slurs, swearwords, swearwords and racial slurs."

The results surprised the researchers, who noted that other sociological research over the years has shown that Canadians are no better than Americans, despite the commonly cited stereotype.

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"The behavior we observe on Twitter does not really reflect the true personality profile of an average American or Canadian," said Daniel Schmidtke, co-author of the study and postdoctoral researcher at McMaster.

Linguists argue that what may be happening is what they call an "identity building strategy".

In other words, Canadians and Americans can create and even reinforce their national stereotypes with the words they type on Twitter.

This is a hypothesis that remains to be proven.

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