Once again, the Heathers Revival fires episodes of mass shootings


With the kind permission of Paramount Network.

Even when its circulation has been reduced to five nights, Heathers The resumption of television could not avoid running into a mass shoot.

The satirical comedy, based on the classic teen movie of the same name, was originally scheduled to debut in March. Then, filming the school in Parkland, Florida, brought the network to promote the premiere of the show. Last month, Paramount announced that it would broadcast the series in a five-night event – after editing some sensitive content. On Sunday night, following another shootout – this time in a Pittsburgh synagogue – the channel aired the two scheduled episodes due to scenes involving active shooter training at the fictional high school in the series.

according to The Hollywood Reporter, Monday's final will be aired as scheduled, with some serious changes; apparently, the series will no longer end with the high school blast. (That's how the original 1988 film was supposed to end – until studio directors put the idea together.) T.H.R. Paramount had already considered making its debut at the beginning of July, until a new shoot was made in Santa Fe in May.

Talk with V.F. in February, the Heathers creator of the adaptation Jason Micallef pointed out that the safest way to sink a show of this type would be to dilute it. "Heathers is punk rock, "said Micallef," The film and our series are a big finger for society, and I do not want to lose it, I think it's a lot of value, we're not a special after We are not here to make people feel comfortable and comfortable. "In this case, however, it seems that the on-screen violence associated with the sneering tone of the series was precisely what 'did.

Although the Heathers The recovery seemed cursed from the beginning, its persistent difficulties well illustrate the increased sensitivity of television in the face of mass shootings. In 2016, for example, the United States was forced to defer the creation of their drama Shooter several times, even erasing it from his summer television list and opting for a first film in November. And on FX last year, American horror story: Cult resumed a mass shooting scene after shooting in Las Vegas left 58 dead. It seems that at this stage, the studios and creators they employ have to face very difficult choices in describing this increasingly common facet of American life.

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