'Once in a lifetime' video captures moment meteor explodes in the night sky above Clun Castle


An astro-photographer has captured the 'once in a lifetime' moment at a meteor exploded before disintegrating into the night sky in Shorpshire.

The scene, which was recorded on camera, was caught during an Orionid meteor shower.

Orionid meteors occur every Autumn when the Earth is passing through the stream of debris left by Halley's Comet.

Landscape photographer Nick Jackson had gone to Clun Castle in Shropshire, to shoot the 13th century in front of the night sky to make a "star trail".

But halfway through the shoot, Nick saw the meteor fly across the sky behind the castle.

He said: "I immediately thought, 'I hope that was caught in the frame'. It's very unusual to see a meteor that big. Because I was shooting the star trail, I could not check the footage immediately. "

When he got home and looked at his pictures, he realized he had caught the moment.

The 44-year-old said: "It was a sheer stroke of luck that I just happened to be shooting the series of images when it happened. With things like that, you've got the right place at the right time. "

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rightCreated with Sketch.

1/30 Striking Africa

Explore ESA Astronaut Tim Peake's stunning photos of Earth, taken from the International Space Station during his six month mission (captions by Tom Peake)
"The striking color and texture of Africa Illizi, Algeria"

2/30 Favorite Reef

"Every day is a great day, but today was particularly special. I got to speak with one of my inspirational heroes Prof. Stephen Hawking and his amazing daughter Lucy, who developed the Principia Space Diary to engage children with STEM subjects. More about dark matter, quantum entanglement, alien life and light beam powered nanocraft we also got to see an amazing pass over the Bahamas and this – my favorite reef smile emoticon

3/30 Russia's north-east coast

"Sunrise approaching Russia's frozen north-east coast"

4/30 Hello London

"Hello London! Fancy a run? ? #LondonMarathon

5/30 Bahamas

"50 shades of blue: Bahamas"

6/30 Yinchuan

"Snow on the mountains next to Yinchuan in China"

7/30 Rocket flames in Africa

"Is it just me or do I see some rocket flames down there? These strange land features are in the desert Iguidi desert, with its yellow stripes of sand stretching from Algeria to northern Mauritania in the Sahara "

8/30 Stunning colors

"Sunlight reflecting the colors of this Himalayan lake"

9/30 The real Everest

"The real thing: found Everest! Last picture turned out to be third-tallest mountain Kanchengjunga "

10/30 GB Exomars

"Go #Exomars – have a great mission. Earth has more in common with Mars than you might think … #AfricaArt "

11/30 Tenerife

"Amazingly clear view of Tenerife"

12/30 Midday winter sun

"Some midday winter sun glinting off Greenland's snow-capped peaks"

13/30 Sand dunes

"Great texture in these huge sand dunes, Saudi Arabia"

14/30 Dragon Dam

"The dam makes this river look like a dragon's tail. Oahe Dam north of Pierre, South Dakota in the United States. (North is to the right) "

15/30 Smoking volcano

"Spotted volcano smoking away on Russia's far east coast this morning – heat has melted snow around top"

16/30 New Zealand

"New Zealand looking stunning in the sunshine. Mt Cook center left with the Grand Plateau to the front and Mt. Tasman (3,497m) to the right of the Grand Plateau. Fox Glacier in the middle Franz Josef curving right. Tasman Lake (largest at front) is at the foot of the Tasman Glacier which runs along the front of them. The Hooker Glacier flows out behind Mt Cook coming down to meet the Mueller Glacier on the left of the photo. The Murchison Glacier is at the front of the photo running parallel with the Tasman Glacier "

17/30 Plankton bloom

"Another great pass over Patagonia and a swirling plankton bloom off the coast"

18/30 Alaska

"We do not often get such clear views of Alaska"

19/30 Lights along the Nile

"Lights along the Nile stretching into the distance from Cairo"

20/30 Kamchatka

"The Pacific" Ring of Fire, Kamchatka volcanoes, Russia "

21/30 Cumulonimbus

"I'm guessing there was an impressive storm going on under that cumulonimbus cloud"

22/30 Night Sahara

"Night-time Sahara – you can really see how thin the Earth's atmosphere is in this picture"

23/30 Japan

"Tokyo and Japanese coast. This image shows most of Japan with the largest mass of light in Tokyo. The white lights on the left are fishing boats "

24/30 Morning sun volcanoes

"Morning sun striking active volcanoes in Guatemala"

25/30 Tapajos River

"The vast waters of the Tapajos river, Amazonia"

26/30 Patagonia

"Beautiful glacial river water flowing from this Patagonian ice field Lake Viedma, West is up"

27/30 Dubai Palms

"Minus the #Dragon photobomb this time …"

28/30 Sediment in Ethiopia

"Sediment spilling into this mountain lake, Ethiopia"

29/30 Italy

"We have phases of 'short nights' on the International Space Station – sunlight is almost always visible right now. No prizes for guessing where this is … "

30/30 Panama Canal

"From one mighty ocean to another – ships passing through the Panama Canal"

1/30 Striking Africa

Explore ESA Astronaut Tim Peake's stunning photos of Earth, taken from the International Space Station during his six month mission (captions by Tom Peake)
"The striking color and texture of Africa Illizi, Algeria"

2/30 Favorite Reef

"Every day is a great day, but today was particularly special. I got to speak with one of my inspirational heroes Prof. Stephen Hawking and his amazing daughter Lucy, who developed the Principia Space Diary to engage children with STEM subjects. More about dark matter, quantum entanglement, alien life and light beam powered nanocraft we also got to see an amazing pass over the Bahamas and this – my favorite reef smile emoticon

3/30 Russia's north-east coast

"Sunrise approaching Russia's frozen north-east coast"

4/30 Hello London

"Hello London! Fancy a run? ? #LondonMarathon

5/30 Bahamas

"50 shades of blue: Bahamas"

6/30 Yinchuan

"Snow on the mountains next to Yinchuan in China"

7/30 Rocket flames in Africa

"Is it just me or do I see some rocket flames down there? These strange land features are in the desert Iguidi desert, with its yellow stripes of sand stretching from Algeria to northern Mauritania in the Sahara "

8/30 Stunning colors

"Sunlight reflecting the colors of this Himalayan lake"

9/30 The real Everest

"The real thing: found Everest! Last picture turned out to be third-tallest mountain Kanchengjunga "

10/30 GB Exomars

"Go #Exomars – have a great mission. Earth has more in common with Mars than you might think … #AfricaArt "

11/30 Tenerife

"Amazingly clear view of Tenerife"

12/30 Midday winter sun

"Some midday winter sun glinting off Greenland's snow-capped peaks"

13/30 Sand dunes

"Great texture in these huge sand dunes, Saudi Arabia"

14/30 Dragon Dam

"The dam makes this river look like a dragon's tail. Oahe Dam north of Pierre, South Dakota in the United States. (North is to the right) "

15/30 Smoking volcano

"Spotted volcano smoking away on Russia's far east coast this morning – heat has melted snow around top"

16/30 New Zealand

"New Zealand looking stunning in the sunshine. Mt Cook center left with the Grand Plateau to the front and Mt. Tasman (3,497m) to the right of the Grand Plateau. Fox Glacier in the middle Franz Josef curving right. Tasman Lake (largest at front) is at the foot of the Tasman Glacier which runs along the front of them. The Hooker Glacier flows out behind Mt Cook coming down to meet the Mueller Glacier on the left of the photo. The Murchison Glacier is at the front of the photo running parallel with the Tasman Glacier "

17/30 Plankton bloom

"Another great pass over Patagonia and a swirling plankton bloom off the coast"

18/30 Alaska

"We do not often get such clear views of Alaska"

19/30 Lights along the Nile

"Lights along the Nile stretching into the distance from Cairo"

20/30 Kamchatka

"The Pacific" Ring of Fire, Kamchatka volcanoes, Russia "

21/30 Cumulonimbus

"I'm guessing there was an impressive storm going on under that cumulonimbus cloud"

22/30 Night Sahara

"Night-time Sahara – you can really see how thin the Earth's atmosphere is in this picture"

23/30 Japan

"Tokyo and Japanese coast. This image shows most of Japan with the largest mass of light in Tokyo. The white lights on the left are fishing boats "

24/30 Morning sun volcanoes

"Morning sun striking active volcanoes in Guatemala"

25/30 Tapajos River

"The vast waters of the Tapajos river, Amazonia"

26/30 Patagonia

"Beautiful glacial river water flowing from this Patagonian ice field Lake Viedma, West is up"

27/30 Dubai Palms

"Minus the #Dragon photobomb this time …"

28/30 Sediment in Ethiopia

"Sediment spilling into this mountain lake, Ethiopia"

29/30 Italy

"We have phases of 'short nights' on the International Space Station – sunlight is almost always visible right now. No prizes for guessing where this is … "

30/30 Panama Canal

"From one mighty ocean to another – ships passing through the Panama Canal"

A series of 30 pictures made in a video shows the meteor fly in the middle of the frame and explode in a piercing flash of light.

Then as a circular cloud of scattered debris in the starlit sky, two more meteors can be seen streaking into view from different directions.

The scene, which would be invisible to the human eye, unfolded over the space of about four minutes.

Nick then combined the images into four seconds of footage.

He said: "To the naked eye, it's over in a flash. You just see a streak of light and a bright ping and then it's gone. However, the camera captures all the details of the aftermath. "

Nick added: "There are very few. I posted it on Facebook on some astronomy groups and it just blew up over the weekend. People were saying, 'You're a lucky guy, that's an ounce-in-a-lifetime thing'. "

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Nick used a full-frame Nikon d570 camera with a 24mm f1.4 lens to shoot the scene.

He said: "The reason we photographers go out into the middle of the night and stand in the cold is because we're obsessed with the beauty of the night sky, its peace and calm. And when you see something like that, it's just awe-inspiring. "

More about

Asteroids And Meteoroids



meteor shower

Original Article can be found here

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