One Avengers 4 Title Theory just got another boost


The Marvel cinematic universe has no doubt never been so exciting, with the stakes of storytelling being at its highest level. The Russo brothers made it impossible with Avengers: Infinity War, serves her large body of characters, while telling a moving and exciting story through the eyes of Josh Brolin's villain Thanos. And as such, waiting for the still untitled Avengers 4 the film was scary.

Although a year and change between the two Avengers the movies are quite stimulating, the fandom has not been aware of any of the events of the end-of-phase blockbuster of The Russo Brothers. The absence of an official title has spawned many theories of fans, one of the most popular being Avengers: Annihilation. This fan theory gained more weight when a spectator realized that the character of Stanley Tucci's Captain America: the first avenger mention this word in a disturbing scene, as the dialogue says:

Ladies and gentlemen, we are not taking another step towards annihilation today, but the first step on the road to peace. We start with a series of micro-injections in the main muscle groups of the subject.

Although this is a little exaggerated, this new discovery is another reason for fans to remain excited about the release of Avengers: Infinity War. The Marvel cinematic universe basically invented the serialized narrative and thus served as a catalyst for the other shared universes that followed. And with Avengers 4 (and its title) a mystery, the group explores the MCU catalog for a semblance of what will happen.

The scene in question arrives early in 2011 Captain America: the first avenger. Steve Rogers of Chris Evans is accepted into the Super Soldier Rebirth project, where he becomes the Captain America we know and love. At the beginning of the experiments, Abraham Erskine, a character from Stanley Tucci, sums up a moving monologue, in which his name drops the word Annihilation – aka one of the most popular fan theories of Avengers 4The title of.

As a reminder, you can watch the scene from The first avenger below and remember how Captain America was born in the now gigantic Marvel Cinematic Universe.

This scene and its quote, which entered the hive spirit of fandom thanks to the editor 12Blane17, probably retain more attention than it has known for years. While it undoubtedly acts as an iconic part of the MCU's history, this sequence does not usually put the spotlight on Stanley Tucci's character, although his performance was up to the glory of Tucci. But the pronunciation of a word changes everything for the fans– at least up to Avengers 4The title of the song is finally revealed and the rumors are put to bed.

Many potential titles for Avengers 4 have been thrown around since War of Infinity arrived in theaters last April with Annihilation to be one of the most popular choices– considering how the last movie has ended. Thanos truly wiped out the heroes of the Marvel film universe, when assembling the Infinity Stones, and was able to erase half of the galaxy in a snap.

In addition to working literally, the annihilation of the world was also mentioned several times during the decade of film making by MCU. Another eagle-eyed Marvel fan recently picked up another important statement of potential subtitle in Avengers: the era of Ultron. Shortly after Vision first saw the light of day, Scarlet Witch stated that she was immersed in her mind and that she had only seen the light of day. annihilation.

This comment was certainly contextualized with Avengers: Infinity War, when the spirit of Vision (or more precisely, the spirit stone) was the last key to the massive extinction of Thanos. Thanos killed whoever he wanted to buy each stone and was virtually impossible to stop before he arrived in Wakanda for Mind Stone.

But after Shuri did her best to save him, Wanda was forced to destroy the mental stone herself, in a final effort to stop Thanos' quest. And after tears to both, she finally succeeded. Unfortunately, Dr. Strange had just given Thanos the stone of time, and he was able to go back in time, to invalidate Scarlet Witch and tear off the mental stone from his forehead.

If the word annihilation does not describe Thanos' terrifying victory over the Avengers and Guardians of the Galaxy, I do not really know what's going on. And his anger was more terrifying than the spectators could have imagined, because they were forced to look in horror as countless heroes disappeared in dust before their eyes. And that does not include the other characters that Thanos murdered like Gamora, Loki, Heimdall and the Asgardians.

Avengers 4This title has become an event in its own right and the mystery surrounds the next blockbuster coming War of Infinity started his theatrical run. But the Russo brothers have been determined not to reveal the title of the film, wanting instead to allow War of Infinity stand on both feet. And with the release of both Ant-Man and the wasp and Captain Marvel between the two Avengers Marvel Studios needed to rotate to its other projects and make every new version of phase three a success.

The Russo brothers also saw the disadvantages of Avengers 4mysterious title. Mostly, it will probably disappoint some of the fans. Regardless of the title chosen by the directors, there is no chance that this will happen during months of hype, fan theories and innumerable questions asked in the interviews. But no pressure.

As we approach Avengers 4The May publication, more information should slowly start to filter on the next blockbuster. The first trailer should arrive before the New Year, although Marvel still has Captain Marvel to worry about. But with only a few months between these two projects, the studio will have to promote both.

Avengers 4 will arrive in theaters on May 3, 2019. In the meantime, check out our list of 2019 news to plan your next trip to the cinema.

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