One of Born's most emotional moments was born of an accident


Warning! The following contains the main spoilers for A star is born. Proceed with caution.

One of A star is bornThe most moving moments are between Jackson Maine by Bradley Cooper and Bobby by Sam Elliott. The two brothers have a complicated relationship in the film, largely because of their opposite feelings towards their deceased father. After another argument between them, late in the movie, Jackson leaves Bobby's van and stays motionless for a moment, before confessing that it's Bobby he idolized, not their father. Jackson goes inside and Bobby turns around to look at the back of the mic. His eyes are filled with tears at the confession of his brother. It's a moving and memorable moment and, as it turned out, fundamentally unproductive, as Sam Elliott explains:

So, one of the most moving moments of the film and the evidence that Sam Elliott should get an Oscar for best actress in a supporting role, was essentially an accident. The actor only turned around and faced the camera behind him to be able to pull the truck out of the frame. Looking smart at where he was heading (good driving advice) and being on the scene reacting emotionally to what Bradley Cooper had done and said, helped Sam Elliott provide a lasting image in the film.

It's also impressive because Sam Elliott only had a rough idea of ​​what Bradley Cooper's character was going to say when he would come out of the truck. So, he improvised to a certain point. He answered in the moment and emitted an emotion as tears ran down his eyes to show Bobby's hard shell cracking as he heard how troubled his little brother was watching him.

You might think that after this happy little accident, director Bradley Cooper would like to turn the scene again with this direction in mind to try to add or improve it. But, as Sam Elliott also told Yahoo Entertainment, there was no need for it:

The emotion was raw and real and perfect the first time. Bradley Cooper realized it and did not feel the need to force it with another grip. As Sam Elliott says, it speaks to him as a director. He created an environment where performances were natural and where these kinds of moments, full of unspoken emotions, could be seen.

This blow in A star is born is incredibly powerful in the moment, but becomes even more powerful after the end of the movie. I am sure that the emotional moment would not become more impactful in new viewings So often in life, the weight of unspoken things can become so heavy that it is difficult to move forward. That Bradley Cooper's Jackson Maine knows this cathartic moment with his brother and tells him how he really feels, ends their relationship in the film on a positive note and adds some sweetness to the film's bitter tragedy.

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