One of the biggest brands of esports has just reached Michael Jordan as an investor


Michael Jordan became the last athlete to invest in esports after the announcement Thursday morning of the NBA Hall of Fame and owner of the Charlotte Hornets, as well as investment group Declaration Capital.

aXiomatic is perhaps best known in the world of esport for being the owner of Team Liquid, a major League of Legends, Dota 2 and many other games. Ted Leonsis, executive co-chairman of XXomatic, owner of the Washington Wizards, said in a press release:

"Esports is the fastest growing sport and entertainment sector and aXiomatic is at the forefront of this growth. We are delighted to welcome Michael and Declaration Capital to aXiomatic and look forward to working together on truly innovative opportunities. "

aXiomatic was created in 2015 as a partnership between several key investors in the fields of sports, entertainment, technology and investment. In 2016, the group acquired Team Liquid as part of one of the largest sports acquisitions in the modern sports-based era, immediately winning the "The International" team. Dota 2 in 2017 and winning the North American Legends Championship in the spring and summer of 2018. The Liequid team has emerged as the best North American LoL team this year, but could not get out of a tough group at the World Championships.

Jordan explained his investment:

"I am excited to expand my sports portfolio with my investment in aXiomatic. Esports is a growing international industry and I am pleased to work with this large group of investors. "

This announcement marks an important week for sports esports. Drake and Scooter Braun are investing in 100 Thieves earlier this week. The links between the NBA and esports are now stronger than all the many NBA owners with stakes in organizations, paired with the NBA 2K League.

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