One woman recounted that she had received a real knife instead of an accessory and stabbed a friend in a haunted house


A woman who stabbed her friend in the arm said that she thought she was playing with a scene and that she had received an accessory knife, according to a police report.

Tawnya Greenfield, 29, told the police that she and her friends were waiting to enter Nashville Nightmare's haunted house with friends on October 5th. her. Believing that she was playing with one of the haunted house scenarios, she said that he was there.

The person then handed a knife to Greenfield and told him, "Well, stab him," according to his report to the Nashville Metropolitan Police. Thinking that the knife was an accessory and that she was pursuing the gag, she then plunged the knife into Yochim's left arm.

Greenfield said that when she receded, she realized that there was blood on the knife, a hole in Yochim's shirt and blood flowing from the left arm of the victim, according to the report.

The Nashville police responded to a call to the knife and the victim was taken to the Skyline emergency hospital.

In the report, Greenfield told the police that she had no plans to hurt her friend.

Another friend, witnessing the knife attack, also felt that the knife handed to Greenfield was a propeller knife, the report said.
He told the police that he had heard the person who had handed the knife to Greenfield and that he had not realized that the knife was so sharp.

Police investigate the case.

Nashville Nightmare said it has a good reputation in the area, that their medical staff immediately responded to the incident and that they were investigating further.

"While we continue to review the information, we believe that one employee has been involved in one way or another and that he has been put on leave until the end of the year. what we can determine its involvement, "the company told ABC News in a statement. "We are reviewing all of our security protocols with all of our staff because the safety of all our customers is always our primary concern."

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