Only 25% of ICE arrests from community raids, far behind Obama's roundups


CAccording to former President Obama, community gatherings of illegal immigrants were almost 30% higher than those of President Trump, according to a new analysis that challenges accusations from pro-immigrant groups that arrests of Immigration and customs services have exploded.

The report of Syracuse University's Clearing House on more than two million arrests between October 2008 and June 2018 indicated that the highest ICE arrested in a month was 4,275 in March 2017, compared with 6,001 in July 2009.


The report adds that only 25% of CIE arrests were made in communities, as opposed to transfers from prisons and state and local offices.

An analysis of the figures from the Center for Immigration Studies adds: "Of the ICE arrests made during the first three quarters of fiscal year 2018, 25% were" community arrests, "according to the TRAC," persons arrested at home to work, or elsewhere in the wider community, including in courthouses or DHS offices when the immigrant had appeared for an appointment. "

Several groups and media have accused ICE of raiding neighborhoods, gathering illegal immigrants who have committed no crime beyond entry into the territory without permission.

The figures, however, tell a different story and show that most arrests were made through official channels.

According to the report, 22% of foreigners arrested by ICE during the first nine months of fiscal year 2018 were apprehended in state and federal prisons, while an additional 41% were apprehended in prisons local, "says CIS analysis.

And overall, the number of arrests in the Trump era was not comparable to Obama's, although he surpassed Obama's total arrests in his last two years in office. .

CIS: "The number of monthly arrests of ICE has increased under the Trump administration since the end of the Obama administration, from 8,005 ICE arrests in January 2016 to 14,369 in August 2017. of which ICE arrests were reported (June 2018), 13,221 took place. Although important, this figure is well below the peak of the ICE arrests (28,767) in March 2011. "

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