Only sociopaths and / or Justin Bieber and / or his lookalike eat a burrito from the middle


Justin Bieber is engaged several crimes: aggression of paparazzi, driving under influence, vandalism, not forgetting all his crimes against fashion. In the eyes of social media, the most heinous offensive of the Canadian pop star took place recently at a lunch on a park bench in West Hollywood. Bieber has a burrito. It is completely unpacked. He holds it at both ends, like an ear of corn, and nibbles it in the center like a sociopath.

A big moan and gnashing of teeth started: "Who's eating a burrito this way?" "What kind of monster is Justin Bieber?"

The point is that it may not even be Justin Bieber. A Reddit user has broken the photo that he claims to be from Bieber, but the star has not come to plead guilty to his food-related crimes. Vanity Fair seems to believe that it is the star because it has already been photographed with these clothes. An analysis of BuzzFeed thinks it's just a lookalike, citing as evidence the shrub of Bieber's eyebrows and the width of his fingers. The world will never really know how Bieber eats his burritos.

But this sparked another conversation between the Food Police and the food on how things should and should not be eaten. Pizzas should not be eaten with a fork unless you are in Italy. McDonald's burgers should not be eaten with a knife and fork unless you are in France. Kitten kits should be separated individually and not stung like a chocolate bar. The string cheese should not be bitten until it is peeled.

But some people may have come to Bieber's defense. In fact, there are other ways to eat a burrito. A "wet" or muffled burrito, served on a sauce-covered plate, is eaten with a knife and fork, and probably on both sides. Regarding a hand-held burrito – well, this method seems terribly practical and complicated, but it allows it to get straight to the point and avoid the folds of tortillas dense and bland at the end.

Even Chrissy Teigen, model and cookbook author, agrees:

Should we make fun of public figures for their way of eating? My colleague Zachary Pincus-Roth thinks people should be free to eat as they please.

Customs and preferences may differ not only from person to person but also from place to place. Helen Zoe Veit, associate professor at Michigan State University, specializing in the history of food and nutrition, notes that at the beginning of 20th century, rich Americans ate bananas with forks and knives and asparagus with their fingers.

"The idea that some ways of eating are more" authentic "than others is based on a very static idea of ​​culture, something that does not change," says Jennifer Jensen Wallach, professor of history at the University. from North Texas, who wrote the book. "How America eats."

On the other hand: making fun of Justin Bieber is something that unites us all in this troubled time, so I say to go ahead. Honor the memory of this poor burrito by making jokes about Bieber's appearance as a raccoon who pulled something out of the trash.

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