Operation Turkey's Salvation Army Prepares Thanksgiving Meals for the Needy of Cumberland :: WRAL.com


– Several Salvation Army volunteers gathered in Fayetteville on Wednesday to prepare Thanksgiving Day meals for people in need.

The organizers of Operation Turkey this year aim to serve 10,000 people, a significant increase over the 3,800 people who participated in the event last year.

The event will include a complete Thanksgiving meal prepared with the help of countless volunteers.

Soldiers from 3rd Combat Brigade of Fort Bragg 3rd Brigade and children from across the city have joined forces to make this year's event a reality.

The Salvation Army's dining room was reconverted into an assembly line where the ham was cut and the sweet potatoes placed in silver pans.

Countless boxes of cranberry sauce stand.

And more than 500 turkeys, donated by Publix, have been thawed, prepared and ready to be grilled.

Venassia Gunter is the organizer responsible for preparing meals.

"We have green beans (and) we make stuffing, mashed potatoes and gravy," she said. "So, we put love in the meal we are preparing, so it's like you're going to your grandmother's or going to visit your mother. the house of the heart. "

The army of volunteers expects to prepare meals until around midnight midnight.

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