Opinion | Waiting for Kavanaugh fight result


And if the assumptions listed above are wrong one day, Judge Kavanaugh and his family are wrong to commit heinous acts.

Fred Andrews
Southold, N.Y.

For the publisher:

Judge Brett Kavanaugh, in his opening statement, said, "I have not drunk Beer Judge Kavanaugh responded to all questions relating to alcohol by stating that the alcohol in question was beer. Many have probably assumed that he did so to demonstrate that, despite his advantage, he shared with his peers the teenage tradition of beer drinking. But he may have also consciously diverted his attention from the more elitist alcoholic beverages he consumed, drinks that are much more likely to lead to power outages than beer.

Rick Nagel
Mercer Island, Wash.

For the publisher:

Judge Brett Kavanaugh is disqualified for the Supreme Court – in fact, for any court – by lying under oath at the hearing. As a professor at Brown University who sat on the student discipline committee in the 1980s, I know what "boofed" and "devil's triangle" mean.

When Judge Kavanaugh stated that "boofed" refers to flatulence, he was lying outright. Similarly, the "devil's triangle" was certainly not a drinking game. Once again, he knew it and I know it.

The F.B.I. and senators must take the lies of Judge Kavanaugh seriously. We all know why the judge lied – he was embarrassed. But no justification can excuse perjury. And no perjury should be allowed to be judge.

Tori Haring-Smith
Petersborough, N.H.

For the publisher:

Those who argue that the behavior of Judge Brett Kavanaugh at the hearing should challenge him must ask himself how risky it really is: his reputation and his chances of sitting on the Supreme Court are at stake. He was acting too much calmly, some would say that he knows that he is guilty.

Levi Langer

For the publisher:

expensive Senator Klobuchar,

"It was an employment interview in a different context, when Judge Brett Kavanaugh asked you if he had ever consumed excessive amounts of money." Alcohol asking you if you had already done so, the interview would have ended. Judge Kavanaugh would have been thanked for his time, shown the door and perhaps advised not to let her knock on the way out.

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