Opposition leader of Maldives wins presidential election


The strong leader of the Maldives acknowledged Monday his defeat in the presidential election, easing fears of a new political crisis in the archipelago, at the center of a battle of influence between India and China.

"The Maldivians decided what they wanted. I have accepted the results, "said President Abdulla Yameen in a televised address to the Indian Ocean nation in the aftermath of the opposition candidate 's unexpected victory.

"Earlier today, I met Ibrahim Mohamed Solih, whom the electorate of the Maldives chose to be its next president. I congratulated him, "Yameen said.

He said he would surrender power at the end of his term on November 17 and ensure a smooth transition into this 1,200-island nation, popular with foreign tourists for its white sand and blue lagoons.

Solih's victory was a major surprise, with Yameen's main political rivals in prison or in exile, the media coverage of the small opposition and observers and the opposition predicting vote-rigging.

Yameen may not accept the result given what happened after the last elections in 2013. The Supreme Court overruled this result after Yameen was followed by former president Mohamed Nasheed – giving Yameen the time to forge alliances twice.

The results published by the electoral commission showed Yameen on 41.7% of the vote, far behind Solih on 58.3% – the only other name on the ballots.

The final official result will take up to a week to be published.

Yameen remained silent all night after the result became clear. But on Monday, he announced that Solih had won and that the media had shown him the victory.

Nearly 90% of the 262,000 voters voted, some waited more than five hours.

Celebrations erupted in the archipelago on Sunday night, with opposition supporters waving yellow flags of the Solih Democratic Party (CDM) and dancing in the streets.

Monday, the situation was calm.

The US State Department, which had warned against "appropriate measures" if the vote was not free and fair, called on Yameen to "respect the will of the people".

India said the result marked "the triumph of democratic forces". But China was still to comment, Monday being a holiday there.

Beijing has lent hundreds of millions of dollars to the Yameen government for infrastructure projects such as the new China-Maldives Friendship Bridge, which opened in August at Male Airport.

The loans have fueled fears in Western countries and India about China's growing influence as part of its "Belt and Road" initiative that extends from Asia to Africa and to Africa. Europe.

Solih had the support of a united opposition trying to oust Yameen but was fighting for his visibility. Local media feared severe decrees and reporting restrictions.

In February, Yameen imposed a 45-day emergency, alarming the international community, in what was seen as an attempt to block a push by his opponents in parliament to indict him.

A crackdown saw former president Maumoon Abdul Gayoom – Yameen's half-brother – imprisoned with the chief justice and another Supreme Court judge.

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