Oracle is building a robot army to protect data


The global cyber threat is getting more dangerous. Whether it's bad state actors looking to infiltrate a government or individual hackers looking to steal your identity, Oracle wants to be the first line of defense with its army of robots.

"Clouds, [and the] "Executive Oracle Larry Ellison said during an exclusive interview with FOX Business' Maria Bartiromo on Friday. "Some are state actors, some are cyber criminals and we're building modern robotic defenses to protect our customers' data."

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In Ellison's opinion, the only way to "patch databases in a timely fashion" is by fully automating.

"The second it's discovered … your robots have to patch it," he said. "Because if they have robot attacks on our clouds, and robotic attacks in our data centers and our government agencies, you better have robotic defenses … cyber defenses that are Star Wars-ish."

Earlier this week, Ellison slammed Amazon on their approach to cloud security that they could possibly lead to vulnerability. Even though big companies including Google and Facebook have spent billions on cyber defenses, big companies, JPMorgan Chase need even more updates to their security infrastructure.

"We've seen headlines, you know, cyber break-ins at Google, at Facebook, at Amazon, big government agencies," he said. "It's happening because these architectures, these old cloud architectures really were never designed for security. Security was an afterthought. "

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Ellison also cautioned the government against the backdrop of the crisis in the United States.

Ellison was joined by Oracle CEO Mark Hurd in their first interview together.

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