Orange County "disease detectives" associate infectious epidemic with pet puppies


Scientists from the Florida Department of Health in Orange County helped to link an infectious epidemic in 2017 that sickened puppies of 118 pets in eight states, according to findings from a review of the Centers for Disease Control.

Most of the diseases were reported in Ohio, which counted 32 cases, and in Florida, in 21 cases.

A team of epidemiologists from Orange County informed the CDC in August 2017 of the link between infections and puppies from local pet stores, and then co-wrote an article for the Institute's weekly report. national public health published last week. said Kent Donahue, spokesman for the county health agency.

The report linked the epidemic and the puppies of six pet store companies, but did not call the stores.

The infections were related to "Campylobacter jejuni", a bacterium responsible for 0.3 million diarrheal diseases per year.

Pet puppies spread the infection in 18 states, including Florida. "

The bacterial infection, often marked by severe diarrhea, is not usually associated with pets, but is most often associated with food poisoning due to ingestion of cooked chicken, milk raw or contaminated water.

Symptoms of infection included diarrhea, cramps, abdominal pain and fever in the days following exposure.

According to the CDC, which devotes a web page to infectious disease, "people can become infected when a cutting board used to cut and prepare raw chicken is not washed before it is used to prepare raw or lightly cooked foods, such as salad or fruit. People can also be infected by contact with the feces of a dog or cat. "

Campylobacter are bacteria that can make people and animals sick, says the CDC.

The Orange County survey team, Alvina Chu, Jennifer Jackson, Heyda Rodriguez and Ashley Vineyard, have established the link between puppies and a national chain of pet stores using faecal samples and laboratory tests.

Donahue nicknamed the team "disease detectives".

Twenty-nine sick people worked in pet shops.

Nobody died but 26 victims were hospitalized, said Donahue.

According to the report, pet shop employees may have over-treated animals with antibiotics.

More than half of the 142 puppies tested had received antibiotics to prevent infections, but not to treat a disease, according to the Atlanta Journal Constitution, which also reported on the outbreak. The paper noted that some puppies have received broad-spectrum antibiotics, which can kill both good and bad bacteria, allowing bacterial strains such as Campylobacter jejuni to gain the upper hand.

[email protected] or 407-650-6361.

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