Ordered evacuations in Marin County after forest fires broke out at Samuel P. Taylor State Park


A wildfire was uncontrollable early Tuesday morning in the Samuel P. Taylor State Park, in Marin County, consuming 100 acres of steep terrain and prompting the authorities to order evacuations.

The fire started under the mountain. Barnabé fire surveillance before 8 pm Monday and threatened 20 to 30 structures, according to Marin County fire officials.

At 12:45, the authorities reported that the fire was under control at 10% and that fighting with bulldozers, shunting crews, water supply companies and engines was progressing well.

Still, Marin County fire officials ordered the evacuation of "Mountain King Road, Portola Avenue and Alamo until Barranca." They advised residents to immediately evacuate to Lagunitas School and wait for further information.

Smoke conditions have been reported in San Rafael, and residents of Fairfax and San Geronimo have been told that smoke could be particularly strong in the area.

Marin County residents in the surrounding area have been encouraged to monitor the local media and to follow all instructions from Marin County fire and sheriff officials.

For more information, firefighters have set up a line of public information: 415-473-7191.

Jill Tucker is a writer for the San Francisco Chronicle. Email: [email protected] Twitter: @jilltucker

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