Oregon officers bring together a baby that they have saved


"It was incredibly comforting to be invited back, and amazing how far it has come since last Sunday," said MP Jonathan Zacharkiw, according to a statement from the Sheriff's Office in Clackamas County, Oregon.

When MPs Zacharkiw, Dan Olson and Jonah Russell met Baby Audrey for the first time, she was pale and unresponsive.

Audrey had just had a week when she stopped breathing in her parents' arms at a local mall. Zacharkiw, Olson and Russell received the emergency call and walked through the mall to help the family.

The trio immediately intervened and started CPR while waiting for paramedics to arrive.

MP Zacharkiw performed chest compressions as MP Olson examined the baby's airways with his finger, MP Russell stabilized Audrey's head, keeping his neck well arched and his airways open. announced the sheriff's office in a statement released Tuesday.

"MP Zacharkiw turned Audrey upside down and patted her in the chest to remove fluid from the baby's airway," the statement said. "After returning Audrey, Deputy Russell used a Bulbous sucker to extract fluid from the infant's nose."

Audrey has been rushed to hospital and is still in intensive care, but her condition is gradually improving, according to the Clackamas County Sheriff's Office. The authorities think that she has absorbed liquids, which stopped her from breathing.

On Sunday, Audrey's parents, Kaylob Harmon and Jessie Siefer, invited the three MPs who saved their daughter's life to visit her at the hospital.

"Kaylob told us that he wanted a photo showing Audrey one day of the guys who saved his life," said MP Zacharkiw.

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