Oregon sues manufacturer of OxyContin, alleging racketeering


(AP) – The Attorney General of Oregon has filed a lawsuit against the pharmaceutical company that makes OxyContin, claiming to have misrepresented the risks and benefits of the drug and to have lied to a regulatory body to maximize its profits.

A Purdue Pharma spokeswoman, targeted by the Multnomah circuit trial on Thursday, did not immediately respond to a request for comment.

Attorney General Ellen Rosenblum said that during the past decade, Mr. Purdue has been engaged in racketeering and deceptive activities.

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Rosenblum said that Oregon had sued Purdue in 2007 for fraudulent marketing of OxyContin, but the Connecticut-based company continued to market the highly addictive painkiller pill for Oregon doctors and pharmacists. pharmacists of Oregon.

Purdue and other pharmacists face lawsuits across the country, claiming that they have helped trigger an opioid addiction and an overdose crisis.

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