ORIONID METEOR SHOWER: Orionid Meteor Shower 2018: 7 beautiful photos of the light show of nature


The Orionid meteor shower, which runs from November 2 to 7 every year thanks to the debris of Halley's comet, culminated this weekend, providing great lighting in the night sky.

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Social media illuminate images of the celestial phenomenon. Here are some of our favorite choices:

1. Glacier National Park, Montana

Photo of John Ashley Art Photography, Facebook

On this opening day of the hunting season in Montana, I managed to trap 35 meteors between the moonset (4:00) and dawn (6:30) …

Posted by John Ashley Fine Art Photography on Sunday, October 21, 2018

2 Standen, East Grinstead, England

photo by @simon_halstead, Twitter

3. Japan

Picture of Kouji Ohnishi, Facebook

#Starryscape Picture of the day 2018 October 22

Posted by Kouji Ohnishi on Monday, October 22, 2018

4 Normanton, England

photo by @Michiko_Smith, Twitter

5. Iceland

Photo by @clukinmarvelous, Instagram

6 Long Island, New York

photo by @GSBImagesMBusch, Twitter

7. Canyonlands National Park, Utah

photo by @charnick_wx, Twitter


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