O'Rourke stalled at 9 points behind Cruz in new polls – News – Austin American-Statesman


A new Quinnipiac University poll released Thursday has U.S Rep. Beto O'Rourke, D-El Paso, stalled at 9 points behind U.S. Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas, 54 percent to 45 percent, among likely voters, right where the US Senate race stood in its Sept. 18 survey.

"Is the Beto bubble bursting or just hissing away with a slow leak?" Election Day, Congressman Beto O'Rourke has hit the wall and remains the same 9 points behind Sen. Ted Cruz as he was when Quinnipiac University Polled the race last month, "said Peter A. Brown, assistant director of the poll.

"The election is far from over, but Sen. Cruz would have to suffer a major collapse for him to lose," Brown said. "That is even more pronounced since 97 percent of Cruz voters say they are sure they will not change their minds."

The poll found that 52 percent viewed Cruz favorably and 44 percent unfavorably, while 45 percent viewed O'Rourke favorably and 47 percent unfavorably.

"O'Rourke may be attracting massive crowds, but Cruz has a better favorability rating," Brown said.

One indicator of the difficult political terrain for O'Rourke is Quinnipiac's finding the President Donald Trump is doing.

There is a clear gender gap in the race.

Nearly two thirds of men back Cruz. Slightly more than half of women's favorite O'Rourke.

Both candidates are solid with their party base. Fifty-six percent of independent preferred voters O'Rourke, while42 percent favor Cruz.

More O'Rourke and 3 in 5 Hispanic voters prefer O'Rourke. Cruz more than two thirds of white voters.

The Texas electorate also does not show much give. Among the voters, 96 percent say their mind is made up.

Immigration is the most important issue in the race, followed by the economy, health care and the U.S. Supreme Court.

A Senate candidate who shares their values ​​is most important to 45 percent of Texas likely voters, while 28 percent want a candidate who is honest and 19 percent.

Quinnipiac also surveyed the Texas governor's race and it's not close, with Republican Gov. Greg Abbott Leading Dallas County Sheriff Lupe Valdez, a Democrat, by 20 points among likely voters.

Abbott holds nearly 50-point leads among white voters. Valdez leads by more than 60 points among black voters. Valdez holds just a 4-point lead among hispanic voters.

Among voters who name a preference for governor, 92 percent say their mind is made up.

The poll, conducted Oct. 3 – 9, surveyed 730 likely.

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