Oscar & # 39; s Academy Invites 928 New Members, Getting Closer to Diversity Goals: NPR


This combination photo shows, top row from left, Dave Chappelle, Amy Schumer, Kumail Nanjiani, Jada Pinkett Smith and Timothee Chalamet, and Kendrick Lamar, Gina Rodriguez, Chloe Zhao, Tiffany Haddish and Sarah Silverman who are among 928 people invited to become members of the Academy of Arts and Cinema Science.


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This combination photo shows, top row from left, Dave Chappelle, Amy Schumer, Kumail Nanjiani, Jada Pinkett Smith and Timothee Chalamet, and Kendrick Lamar, Gina Rodriguez, Chloe Zhao, Tiffany Haddish and Sarah Silverman who are among 928 people invited to become members of the Academy of Arts and Cinema Science.


After promising to diversify the base of the Academy of Motion Pictures, the organization that awarded the Oscars invited a record number of 928 new members, making the 2018 class the largest in the world. history.

The invitations, issued Monday to a range of people involved in the film industry in 59 countries, are part of the Academy's stated mission to include more women and more people of color after the events. #OscarsSoWhite controversies 2014 and 2015, which essentially excluded -the interim nominees of the whites of the 20 spots in the lead and supporting roles.

According to the Academy's distribution, 49% of new members this year are women and 38% are people of color. Yet these numbers do little to increase the total number of both groups over the last year. If all those invited actually agreed to join the team, the participation rate of women would increase from 28% to 31%, while that of non-whites would increase from 13% to 16%.

Among the most recognizable names requested in the favored fold are Tiffany Haddish, Dave Chappelle, Mindy Kaling, Amy Schumer, Kumail Nanjiani, Wendell Pierce, Gina Rodriguez, Sarah Silverman, JK Rowling, Kendrick Lamar, Questlove and Jada Pinkett Smith, who have boycotted the 2016 awards for their lack of diversity.

On Tuesday morning, only a handful of new guests had recognized him on Twitter. Rodriguez and Pierce both said that they were "honored".

Nanjiani took a more factual tone by writing, "Hey, I'm at the Academy.

And actor Miles Teller promised "never to let anyone borrow my screeners".

The former president of the Academy, Cheryl Boone Isaacs, the group's first African-American president and third woman to hold this position, initiated a membership enlargement campaign in 2016 after 92% of the members were white and 75% male. At the time, she said her goal was to double the number of women and people of color at the Academy by the year 2020.

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