Oscar Robertson pleased to see athletes take a stand, calls on white athletes to do the same


With Kareem Abdul-Jabbar sitting nearby and Bill Russell also at the NBA Awards, NBA legend Oscar Robertson said he was happy to see LeBron James take a stand on societal issues from today, but called on white athletes to do the same.

Speaking to reporters after accepting the Lifetime Achievement Award Monday in Santa Monica, Robertson spoke at length about how his generation of players was engaged in social activism and is proud to see some of the stars of the show. Today and the NBA try to better the community.

"I think that as people evolve and things change so much in the world with social and other media, these people are young people who have families," Robertson said. "They have seen unfairness in the streets or elsewhere, it could be almost anywhere, and they are setting themselves up, but the only thing that really bothers me is where are white athletes when that happens?

"It's not a black athlete problem, you see injustice in the world, all around you, just because LeBron comes out, I'm glad he does it, I hope that other players – because that's what they believe – mean, what do you want the players to do? Shut up and you dribble? I think it's time for them to say what they mean about life and about politics and things on the street and the like.

"A lot of players give money in different colleges, but it seems that what we have today is a system in which you do not want players to say anything."

Robertson grew up in a separate housing project in Indianapolis and dealt with racial discrimination and economic inequality. Robertson played in a generation when stars like Abdul-Jabbar and Russell fought for social change and spoke openly about civil rights.

"Years ago, they [athletes] did not say anything because they could not say anything, "said the star player and former player par excellence.

"But now, I hope everyone, Whites and Blacks will meet, even with football, what do you think it's going to happen when the union gets involved with the owners?"

"Do you think it's going to be sorted easily?" No, that's not the case.

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