"Our courageous Robyn has new hope to beat monster cancer in the US lawsuit"


  Robin Smyth when she flew to the United States for the first time three years ago. Photo: Ray Cullen
Robin Smyth when she flew to the United States for the first time three years ago. Photo: Ray Cullen
The young at the hospital
Robin Smyth with his mother Bernadette and his father Leighton Smyth

An Irish teen who fought against aggressive cancer for 10 years will receive a new pioneering treatment in the United States after a huge fundraising effort.

Robyn Smyth, 13, a neuroblastoma patient from Whitehall, north of Dublin, will be the first Irish woman to be admitted for treatment at the Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center in New York.

several months ago, after being evaluated in a Michigan hospital where she was treated for three years.

But because his family could not afford to pay, Robyn's health began to deteriorate

. His mother Bernadette Dornan-Smyth pleaded desperately for funds and rejoiced when the goal of 326,000 euros was reached this weekend.

She told supporters: "We have reached the magical mark of having enough money for a groundbreaking trial over the weekend and the whole family can not express with words our gratitude and our relief

"My head was thinking of bringing Robyn so far and not being able to bring her to the trial that could potentially put an end to this monster." [19659006] "We do not know what the future holds but because of you we have hope."

Robyn will travel to New York on Wednesday and meet with the medical team that will will treat on Thursday.

Mrs. Dornan -Smyth added: "We are all so relieved but worried too: after we have made the initial payment at the hospital, there will be no more money. money. "

" So I beg people to continue donating because there will be no money. -stop of flight and the costs of life.

"I have come so far for my daughter who does not know what it is to live a life without sickness and I will fight and fight to keep her with us, she deserves to. have a life but it is so fragile

"Our flight on Wednesday does not arrive soon enough.

"Robyn's healthy battles have obviously affected our family over the years and it has not been easy, but it has also made us strong and we will never do it."

] Robyn had a 30% chance of surviving when she was diagnosed with cancer at Our Lady's Crumlin Hospital.

Three years ago, her chances dropped to 5pc. At home, they decided to raise money to take her to Helen DeVos Children's Hospital in Michigan.

She has made more than 80 flights to the United States since then. and continued to receive chemotherapy treatment at the Gospa

., the fundraising had stagnated and only 70,000 euros had been collected for the New York trial.The plea of ​​Ms. Dornan-Smyth led Erin McGregor, the UFC sister Conor's sister, to launch a flossing dance challenge to help the cause. [19659006] "Donations can be made on [email protected], idonate.ie/robynslife and gofundme.com / robynslife," said Dornan-Smyth

Irish Independent

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