"Our democracy is in crisis": Hillary Clinton attacks Trump in another scathing essay


Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton spoke in Baltimore last year. (Patrick Semansky / AP)

Hillary Clinton accuses President Trump of conducting an "attack on our democracy" during his first two years in office, and urges Americans to defend themselves in another scathing essay released by Atlantic on Sunday night.

In her essay, Clinton, a candidate for the 2016 Democratic presidential elections, writes that the Republican who beat her led a policy of "indescribable cruelty," including separating migrant families at the border.

She accuses the Trump administration of Puerto Rico's "monstrous negligence" after Hurricane Maria ravaged the island. And she takes Trump dependent to continue to call the investigation of the special council on Russian electoral interference a "hoax".

"Trump and his acolytes are doing so much nasty things that it can be hard to keep track," says Clinton. "I think it's maybe the goal – to confuse us, so it's harder to keep an eye on the ball. The ball, of course, protects American democracy. As citizens, it is our most important responsibility. And now, our democracy is in crisis.

"I do not use the word crisis lightly," she says. "There are no tanks in the streets. The malice of the administration can be limited on some fronts – for the moment – by its incompetence. But our democratic institutions and traditions are besieged. We must do everything in our power to defend ourselves.

The essay is adapted from the post-edition of Clinton's paperback memoir, "What Happened," to be published this week.

In this essay, Clinton also accuses Trump of "waging war on truth and reason" and "breathtaking corruption" and claims that it undermines "the national unity that makes democracy possible".

Since his defeat in 2016, Clinton has intensified his criticism of Trump and his policies. In recent weeks, she has been actively fighting against Justice Brett Kavanaugh's appointment to the Supreme Court.

Trump, meanwhile, continues to use Clinton as a foil, criticizing her at political rallies and calling to investigate her actions while she was secretary of state.

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