Our Opinion: Fighting a growing epidemic


The Show-Me State shows a bit too much – too much spare wheel around our waist.

According to a new report, Missouri ranks 17th in the country for the percentage of adults (32.5%) obese, according to a new report. This represents an increase of 31.7% over last year.

On Tuesday, we reported the new findings, which were published in the 15th Annual State of Obesity Report of the Trust for America's Health and the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation.

Missouri is not alone. The annual report shows no statistical improvement by the state compared to the previous year.

The report raises awareness about the severity of the obesity epidemic and encourages the creation of a national obesity prevention strategy.

Yet John Auerbach, President and CEO of Trust for America's Health, a non-profit organization that promotes optimal health for every person and community, is encouraged by promising approaches to reverse the epidemic at the national and local levels.

"There is growing evidence that policies and programs that align efforts across sectors – between health departments, transportation officials, schools and businesses – can work," he said. .

On Tuesday, the US Preventative Services Task Force recommended that physicians offer behavioral interventions to adults with a body mass index of 30 or more.

Here in Jefferson City, there are plenty of options for exercise, no matter if you can afford a gym membership. Among other things, we have a wonderful park system that offers scenic views, nature trails and an interconnected greenway system. Now our city also has a bike sharing program. Runners can download an app and pay as they roll – $ 1 for 30 minutes.

And there are many ways to eat healthy without reducing your budget. But it takes time and planning.

The report on the state of obesity lists many government solutions. We do not deny that the government should play a role in this epidemic. But we think that in the end, winning this battle will be reduced to one thing by individuals and by families: a commitment to change the way of life.

News Tribune

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