"Outlander" Season 4 Premiere Explained: The Injury of Jamie and Young Ian


"We knew it was one of the most important scenes even though it was not necessary for the plot," said Outlander's executive producer, Toni Graphia.


Outlander finally planted roots in America, but Starz's time-traveling drama hit the pause button to reflect on the trauma of the past in a packed first season.

On Sunday, Jamie (Sam Heughan) and Claire (Caitriona Balfe) found happiness and danger in the settlements as they began their new lives without political persecution. Saying goodbye to one of their friends who was hanged and helping their future enemy, Stephen Bonnett (Ed Speleers) to escape the gallows before being robbed by him, was a couple of hectic days for the couple. But it was a much quieter moment that was the pinnacle of the hour as Jamie helped his nephew Young Ian (John Bell) to overcome the trauma he had suffered at the end of season 3.

Although the teenager was able to escape from Geillis (Lotte Verbeek) in Jamaica thanks to Claire and Jamie, he did not leave the island unscathed. When a grave was dug for their deceased friend, PTSD was triggered at the first, which reminded viewers that the older woman had raped him at the end of last season. Jamie then directed the young Ian to an improvised therapy session during which he recounted his own sexual assault experience of Season 1. The uncle and nephew spent a good deal of their time to share their experiences in the same way, breaking down the complicated feelings of guilt and shame of Ian and Jamie.

In a series that constantly subverts assumptions about issues such as sexual assault by making men the victims more than women – unlike most of the time pieces of pop culture – Outlander continues to pave the way for necessary conversations. This is why producers have chosen to devote a sizeable portion of their airtime to revisiting a scene from last season.

"It's certainly one of the most important scenes of the first," said executive producer Toni Graphia The Hollywood journalist. "After what happened last year with the young Ian and what he lived with Geillis, she is locked up in captivity, she abuses young boys." The young Ian s & # He was caught in his web and was traumatized by hand, and we knew we had to deal with this season, just like when we talked about what Jamie went through, his sexual trauma at the end of the first season.

"We postponed it to show him that he has to handle the situation as people do in real life.Even if it's about television, we wanted to be responsible. "

Especially since Ian was so young when he was assaulted, Graphia knew that the series could not simply move on without realizing how he had handled his trauma.

"We really wanted to have a scene where we showed that Ian was still suffering from post-traumatic stress from what had happened to him, and that he was one of the only people in the world who could understand who he could be in. to speak would be his uncle, because he has been there too, "says Graphia. "Ian feels guilty and tries to reconcile him in his head, blaming himself for making a lot of victims [of sexual assault] unfortunately do. So when he confides in Jamie, he finds solace in the fact that Jamie has treated a similar thing and is able to convey words of wisdom. "

Jamie helped Ian understand that blame was not his fault and helped his nephew take a big step forward in the emotional healing of the assault. "We knew it was one of the most important scenes even though it was not necessary for the plot," said Graphia. "That's what we like about Outlander: We do not just advance the plot, we advance the character. It was very important for the growth of young Ian. His bow this season is struggling with what he's been experiencing, which is a lot for a youngster. It's a very important step to becoming the man he will eventually be. "

And while the subject of sexual assault has never been so prevalent in the #MeToo era, Graphia says producers have not let the national conversation mark the way they described Ian's journey.

"While we are aware of and aware of the changing climate in today's world, we are not consciously planning or preparing anything for the world today." ", she says. "We recognize that we have a responsibility, but we really strive to stay true to our characters and what they've lived in. The drama speaks for itself in the fact that this kind of thing was going on there. At the age of 200. Rape and sexual trauma were rampant at the time, and incidents occurred between men and women, which illuminates the situation, and I think this adds to the conversation of today. to show that this has always lasted. "

She pauses and then adds, "But we do not sit back and say," Hey, let's tell a story about the sexual trauma. " We follow the books. This happened in the books. We chose to pursue this story organically this season because of its importance. "


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