Overall, lose the fight against cancer and other chronic diseases


The Sustainable Development Goals signed by the 193 UN Member States in 2015 are a model for achieving global well-being and are divided into 17 goals, including "no poverty", "zero hunger" and "quality education". . "good health and well-being"

"These are aspirations or commitments agreed by the global community for a better, healthier and more positive life for all, today and in the future," said Professor Majid Ezzati, lead author of new report Imperial College London, written in an email. Together, the 17 Sustainable Development Goals "cover all aspects of human, societal and global health and well-being," he said.

The report, which examined progress on one of the many health targets, predicts defeat in most countries. Published Thursday in the medical journal The Lancet, it is the fruit of a collaboration led by The Lancet, the World Health Organization, Imperial College London and the Non-Communicable Disease Alliance, a non-governmental organization based in Switzerland.

Specifically, the report estimated that each country would achieve the goal of a third by 2030 of prematurely dying from cancer, cardiovascular disease, chronic respiratory disease or of diabetes. Early death is generally defined as before age 70. The researchers based their estimates on comparisons of the evolution of mortality rates from 2010 to 2016 for 186 countries.

Few countries will do it: only 35 of them will reach the goal of reducing premature death among women and only 30 years for men by 2030, say the researchers.

South Korea, Singapore, Luxembourg, New Zealand, Norway, Costa Rica, Denmark, Estonia, Czech Republic, Maldives, Thailand, Croatia, Slovakia, Bahrain, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Brazil, Qatar, Iran, Latvia, Belarus, Serbia, Kuwait, Samoa, Armenia, Macedonia, Oman, Azerbaijan, Russia, Ukraine, Zambia, Congo, Grenada, Timor-Leste, Moldova and the United States. Kazakhstan are the countries likely to reach the goal for women.

Iceland, Sweden, Switzerland, Norway, Bahrain, Japan, South Korea, Luxembourg, Canada, New Zealand, Ireland, Singapore, Netherlands, Denmark, Finland, Belgium, Iran, Maldives, Argentina, Brazil, Czech Republic, Timor Leste, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Slovakia, Estonia, Macedonia, Latvia, Belarus, Russia and Kazakhstan are likely to reach the target for men.

However, not all hopes are lost to other nations: Fifty will likely achieve the same reduction target for women and 35 for men in a longer timeframe – by 2040 – according to the authors of the 39; study.

In total, noncommunicable diseases are responsible for 7 deaths out of 10 in the world, Ezzati said, noting that this "leading cause of premature death in the world is not sufficiently taken into account, especially for the poorest. . . "

In this category of deaths, about 80% are due to the four diseases highlighted in the report – cancers, cardiovascular diseases, chronic respiratory diseases and diabetes – while the remaining 20% ​​are due to other types of noncommunicable diseases.

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In addition to the four diseases highlighted in the report, noncommunicable diseases include endocrine, blood and immune disorders; non-infectious respiratory, digestive (including liver) and genitourinary diseases; neurological conditions; mental disorders and addictions; congenital anomalies; and sensory, cutaneous, musculoskeletal and oral or dental organs.

Constructive criticism

In a commentary published with the report, the editors of The Lancet wrote: "Part of the responsibility is denomination and shame. More importantly, the responsibility is to identify the specific measures that countries must take to improve their chances of meeting their commitments.

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Ezzati said that he and his co-authors did not have the intention of "naming and shaming". Instead, their report informs their target audience of how a major determinant of health is changing over time while providing direction for improving health.

"Our target audience is not just the national governments, but also the aid agencies and donors who substantially underinvest in noncommunicable diseases in relation to the amount of health problems that are occurring." they cause, "said Ezzati.

Last year, a report in a related journal, The Lancet Global Health, estimated the cost of achieving the health goals of the Sustainable Development Goals in 67 low- and middle-income countries in which three-quarters of world population.

According to the authors of the study, it would take an additional $ 371 billion a year until 2030 to achieve the goals. This money would be spent to add more than 23.6 million health workers, including 3 million doctors, and to build more than 415,000 health facilities.

The high-level meeting of 2018 on noncommunicable diseases is scheduled for 27 September and is the occasion of the publication of the new report. The editors of The Lancet explained in their commentary: "The promises of the international community must be kept".

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