Oz & Roizen: Resuscitation of paralyzed limbs; genetic tests for breast cancer – News – Athens Banner-Herald


Lately, I have read articles about paraplegics with spinal cord damage and who are able to walk again using the latest technologies. Can you explain how it works? – Angie B., Salisbury, Maryland

Sure. But to be clear, the exoskeletons (ie the structures outside the body) have existed for a few years and help paraplegics to walk. We believe that you are talking about spinal cord stimulation using 16 small electronic sensors implanted along the damaged area of ​​the spine to increase the volume of nerve sensations so that the brain can "hear" the signals and move members below the starting point. Injury of the spine.

Researchers at the University of Louisville applied this technology to four people with spinal cord injuries who could no longer move their legs. They had tried every other type of rehabilitation imaginable, including intensive treadmill training while hanging on their weight.

Patients who received the implants were injured between 2.2 and 3.5 years earlier, according to the researchers. Two of them attended "278 epidural stimulation and walking training sessions over a period of 85 weeks and [two worked through] 81 sessions over a period of 15 weeks … and all four achieved stability and stability of the trunk. "It's a lot of work, but with intense training and intense electrostim, it has paid off and they have certainly not returned to their original state before their injuries, but this has created a significant improvement in their lives.

It was previously thought that rejuvenation of the spinal cord was impossible, but we are currently witnessing great advances. Inspired by the success of this form of spinal cord stimulation, scientists use small molecules in mouse models, coupled with limited electronic stimulation zaps, to revive nerve pathways previously "silent" in paralyzed mice. This could be the next step for humans (pun intended), so stay tuned.

My aunt and cousin had breast cancer, now my sister has been diagnosed. Should we pass genetic tests to see if it's something that goes into the family? If so, what is my next step? – Kate G., Pauling, New York

Yes, you (and anyone in a similar situation) should consult a genetic counselor located at a nearby university center to find out what tests might reveal. You can also access these expert tips via a virtual medicine app.

According to Dr. Holly Pederson, Cleveland Clinic's director of breast medical services, about 10 to 15% of breast cancer cases are truly heritable, which means that a genetic mutation, passed down from generation to generation, dramatically increases the risk of breast cancer.

Knowing if you have an increased risk of developing the disease is a good thing! If you are a woman with a genetic predisposition (you are carrying the BRAC1 or BRAC2 mutation or both), you may have up to 80% risk of being diagnosed with breast cancer during of your life. The tests allow you to take preventive medications or to undergo a surgery reducing the risks. And if you are carefully monitored and you develop it, it will be detected early when the treatment will be very effective.

Unfortunately, most women with an inherited risk of breast cancer do not know it, even though they know that:

• The disease was diagnosed in a mother, grandmothers, sisters and / or aunts before the age of 50.

• A close relative has had breast cancer and ovarian cancer.

• A related man had breast cancer.

• They belong to the Ashkenazi Jewish heritage.

• A family member had triple negative breast cancer.

• Other cancers are present in close relatives.

Talk to your doctor about your risk factors and see if you should be tested. "If the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act sees the BRCA test as a prevention service, you worry that genetic testing is too expensive," says Dr. Pederson. Medicare provides coverage to patients with a personal history Insurers and most state Medicaid programs cover hereditary cancer screening. "

Mehmet Oz, MD leads "The Dr. Oz Show" and Mike Roizen, MD, is Chief Wellness Officer and Chair of the Wellness Institute at Cleveland Clinic.

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