Pakistan should focus on developing relations with Russia


In the post-Cold War scenario, the United States wanted to contain China's peaceful rise, as it had thought that an economically advanced China would question its superpower status.

This policy was adopted while China had never expressed a desire to challenge the US position as a superpower. To contain the rise of China, the United States has chosen India as a strategic and major partner of its defense, as part of its new Indo-Pacific policy.

As a result, the strategic value of Pakistan in the eyes of the United States has declined after joining India. US strategists, however, failed to realize Pakistan's strategic importance in addressing the terrorist threat in that region and in maintaining peace and stability in the Muslim world, particularly in the Middle East. US policymakers also did not understand that India would never follow the US to contain China. its sole purpose is to ensure that US political-economic and military assistance becomes a major world power and attains a permanent seat on the United Nations Security Council.

Because of this scenario, relations between the United States and Pakistan are in decline. Since 2007, the United States has accused Pakistan of not doing enough in the war against terrorism and has repeatedly asked it to do more. Despite this, Pakistan has completely eliminated the hiding places of terrorists in Afghanistan's border areas by sacrificing more than 70,000 lives and economic losses of more than $ 107 billion.

The United States refused to sell the promised F-16s to Pakistan and suspended about $ 2 billion in security assistance. The United States promote Indian military influence in Afghanistan at the expense of Pakistan and do not prevent India from using Afghan soil to destabilize Balochistan.

In addition, the United States has recently warned that funds should not be provided to bail out Chinese lenders as part of an IMF rescue package for the new Pakistani government. He prevented Pakistani military officers from training in the United States. He is still calling on Pakistan to end the so-called Afghan Taliban sanctuaries. The recent meetings of the US Secretary of State and the Pakistani Minister of Foreign Affairs, which have produced no results, leave no hope for a rapid improvement in relations.

The military equilibrium in South Asia is also leaning towards India as it is able to purchase the latest defense technologies / weapons and nuclear materials from the United States and its other allies. As this situation adds to Pakistan's perception of the threat, to strengthen its defense capabilities, Pakistan needs more advanced advanced defense markets, in addition to its strategic partnership with China.

Therefore, advancing Pakistan's relations with Russia is very important, especially when. Russia is also well placed to develop relations with Pakistan; as a result of the country's counter-terrorism performance, its positive contributions to regional stability, and its strategic value in addressing the imminent threat of IS-K / Daesh based in Afghanistan. In addition, high-level reciprocal visits have been conducted since 2006 by both countries and an agreement was signed in 2014 to strengthen bilateral relations.

Since 2014, Russia has begun to support Pakistan's position to end the Afghan conflict through intra-Afghan dialogue including the Taliban. In October 2015, Russia signed a $ 2 billion gas pipeline agreement with Pakistan. In June 2016, with China, Russia also helped Pakistan to become a full member of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization.

Since 2014, Russia has begun to support Pakistan's position to end the Afghan conflict through intra-Afghan dialogue including the Taliban. In October 2015, Russia signed a $ 2 billion gas pipeline agreement with Pakistan. In June 2016, with China, Russia also helped Pakistan to become a full member of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO).

In addition, Moscow has sold four Mi-35 combat helicopters to Islamabad, and the two countries have also organized counter-terrorism military exercises as well as an anti-drug operation in the Oman Sea. A Pakistani warship also participated in the Russian Navy Day parade organized by President Putin. In September 2018, Pakistan and Russia signed an agreement on a $ 10 billion offshore gas pipeline. Another agreement was signed for the training of Pakistani troops in Russia.

Given the scenario above, while striving to restore good working relationships with the United States and deepen the Pakistan-China strategic partnership, it is also necessary that is committed to strengthening relations with Russia in all areas. Russia can strengthen China's current support for strengthening Pakistan's economy and defense capabilities. It will also be able to provide a limited supply of advanced weapons such as helicopters, airplanes, air defense systems and warships, regardless of India's objections.

In addition, Pakistan should focus on economic development supported by the CPEC to become an autonomous country.

The writer is a former army colonel, former IPRI researcher and senior researcher of the SVI in Islamabad.

Posted in Daily Times, October 11th 2018.

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