Palestinian killed by Israeli gunfire near fence of Gaza fence – Palestinians


A 20-year-old Palestinian was killed by Israeli gunfire on Thursday near the Israeli border in central Gaza, the Palestinian Ministry of Health reported. He was identified as Mohammad Ala Abu Sharabin.

According to Palestinian reports, Israeli forces opened fire on four youth near the security fence. Emergency workers from the Red Crescent took the wounded Palestinian to a nearby hospital where he was pronounced dead.

The incident comes a day after the Organizing Committee of the March for Return to Gaza announced that the steps along the border fence with Israel would continue this weekend despite positive diplomatic developments and improving conditions in the Gaza Strip in recent days.

A prominent activist told Haaretz that the marches will continue until the blockade of Gaza is fully lifted, but the level of violence will be limited and protesters will not come close to the fence. based on the decisions made last week.

This approach was supported by Ibrahim al-Madhoun, a prominent Hamas political analyst in Gaza. "The continuation of the return marches while increasing the number of participants over the next few weeks is the most effective weapon we have to force the occupation to lift the blockade and ensure the success of Egyptian efforts to reach this goal. That's why we need silent marches that prove that we are a people who want to live and love to live, "Madhoun wrote on a Hamas-affiliated website.

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Sources in Gaza, however, said that while recent improvements in electricity supply, payment of salaries to Hamas officials and the launch of a project to create jobs are encouraging, they do not are not likely to have a substantial impact. change in the lives and prospects of the people of Gaza. "The change requires the supply of raw materials in different factories and production lines, as well as the increase in exports, as well as the construction of major projects that will create jobs for tens of thousands of people. Then we can talk about real change, "said a Hamas activist.

On Wednesday, the Gaza Finance Ministry paid part of the salaries to Hamas leaders in the Gaza Strip. The ministry's chief executive, Yusuf Al-Kayali, said a day earlier that the ministry would pay 60 percent of the July salary to Hamas employees. According to reports in Gaza, the payment was reportedly made as part of negotiations aimed at restoring calm in the region, involving Egypt, Qatar and the United Nations envoy to the Middle East, Nickolay Mladenov, Qatar paying the wage bill.

Hamas and the Palestinian factions in Gaza celebrated what they described as the triumph of the March of Return and Sacrifice of the Gazans to lift the blockade. The published statements stress that the less difficult conditions result from the Palestinian struggle and are not replaced by a diplomatic concession to Israel or another country. "The achievements reinforce the steadfastness of the Palestinian people seeking to enjoy all the rights they have been deprived of because of the siege," they wrote.

At the same time, Yusuf Ibrahim, director general of the Ministry of Social Affairs in Gaza, announced that his ministry would pay 700 shekels ($ 191) to every family whose child was killed during demonstrations near the Gaza Strip fence. the border. A payment of $ 100 will be made to 50,000 additional families on the Strip. Ibrahim also presented his job creation plan that will help some 10,000 skilled workers in the Gaza Strip. The Qatari Committee for the Rehabilitation of the Gaza Strip announced that its envoy to Gaza, Mohammad al-Amadi, would soon visit Gaza to announce new infrastructure and humanitarian aid projects.

These steps come after several days of extended hours of electricity due to diesel fuel that Qatar has supplied to the Gazan power plant. After the details of the evolving agreement with Israel were published in the Al-Ahkbar newspaper, Israel announced that it would allow Gaza fishermen to move away more from the shoreline than they could. they can not now, while Hamas and the Palestinian factions have pledged to reduce violence during the border fence marches.

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