Palestinian knife attack Israeli dead in the West Bank, assailant dead


JERUSALEM (Reuters) – A Palestinian assailant entered an Israeli settlement in the occupied West Bank on Thursday, stabbed one person to death and wounded two others before he was shot and killed, the Israeli military and hospital spokeswoman said.

A security guard speaks to the Israeli settlement Adam, after a Palestinian assailant stabbed three people and then shot and killed, according to the Israeli military, in the occupied West Bank, July 26, 2018 REUTERS / Ronen Zvulun

The Israeli Ambulance Service Magen David Adom said that one of the men wounded was in serious condition and the other sustained light injuries. In Jerusalem hospital confirmed the third victim had died.

"A terrorist infiltrated into the community and stabbed three civilians. The terrorist was shot and killed, "the Israeli military said.

A Israeli soldier speaks to the Israeli settlement Adam, after a Palestinian assailant stabbed three people and then shot and killed, according to the Israeli military, in the occupied West Bank, July 26, 2018 REUTERS / Ronen Zvulun

Israeli media reports said the assailant was shot by a fellow resident of the Adam settlement, which lies between Jerusalem and the West Bank city of Ramallah. There was no immediate comment from Palestinian officials.

Hamas, the Islamist group that rules the Gaza Strip, praised the attack. His spokesman Fawzi Barhoum, said it was a "heroic and brave operation that the Israeli occupation of our people."

Israeli-Palestinian tensions have been over in the past few months.

At least 140 Palestinian Palestinians have been killed in the Gaza Strip by Israeli fire demonstrations. Israel says Hamas is using the protests as a cover for a cross-border attacks. Hamas denies this.

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Palestinian militants in Israel killed by Israeli air force tanks .

Peace talks between Israel and the Palestinians collapsed in 2014 and a bid by the U.S. administration to restart them.

Palestinians want to establish a state in the Gaza Strip, West Bank and East Jerusalem, Israel captured in the 1967 Middle East war.

Israel pulled out of Gaza in 2005, annexed East Jerusalem in a move not recognized internationally and West Bank, where the Palestinians have limited self-rule. Most countries consider Israeli settlements in the West Bank to be illegal. Israel disputes this.

Reporting by Maayan Lubell; Additional reporting by Nidal al-Mughrabi in Gaza; Editing by Alison Williams and Lisa Shumaker

Our Standards: The Thomson Reuters Trust Principles.
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