Palestinians call for "revenge" at the funeral of a boy killed by Israeli fire


Gaza (Palestine) (AFP) – Thousands of Palestinians attended Saturday the funeral of the son of a Hamas military commander killed by Israeli gunfire in the southern Gaza Strip at 11 years old .

Yasser Abu al-Naja, whose father is a member of Hamas' military wing, was shot in the head on Friday in border clashes near the southern city of Khan Yunis.

Senior Hamas leaders "The martyrdom of Yasser is clear evidence of the crimes committed by the (Israeli) occupation against the Palestinian people," said Hamas senior official Khalil al-Hayya at ceremony. "The occupiers have killed the child in cold blood," said Hayya, a member of the political bureau of the Palestinian Islamist group.

The boy was one of two Palestinians killed on Friday by Israeli troops during border clashes. South n Gaza, according to the Palestinian Ministry of Health in the coastal enclave.

His exact age was not clear at first, but his family said Saturday that Yasser was born on September 19, 2006.

The second death was identified as Mohammed al-Hamayda, 24, who was shot in the stomach in a separate incident east of Rafah in southern Gaza. The army said that thousands of Palestinians took part in "extremely violent riots" on Friday and "committed various acts of terror in several places" along the Gaza-Israel border

. the troops responded with "anti-riot means of dispersal" and "used live fire" when they failed.

He said the boy's death would be examined. At least 137 Palestinians were killed by Israeli gunfire

The majority were involved in protests, but others sought to break or damage the border fence.

No Israeli was killed.

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