Pamela Anderson accuses Scott Morrison of "abandoning Assange" | Media


Former Baywatch star Pamela Anderson wrote an open letter to Australian Prime Minister Scott Morrison calling him "smutty", "lustful" and challenging his "strength and conviction".

Writing on the American Daily Beast website, Anderson criticized Morrison's response to his calls to the government to help WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange return to Australia, accusing him of trivializing the issue.

Anderson – a close friend of Assange – appeared in 60 Minutes Australia earlier this month to urge Morrison to "defend your friend, get his passport back for Julian, bring him back to Australia and be proud of him, and parade him when House".

Assange, who is locked at the Embassy of Ecuador in London since her asylum claim in 2012, is currently under investigation by US law enforcement agencies for publication. classified diplomatic cables and other secret government archives.

Morrison was asked about the problem during a commercial radio interview earlier this month. When asked if he followed Anderson's advice and organized a parade for Assange, he replied, "Well no, first of all, but I had a lot of friends who asked me if they could be my special envoy to go out with Pamela Anderson. "

Anderson wrote, "You trivialized and laughed at the suffering of an Australian and his family. You followed him with useless and useless comments about a woman expressing her political opinion.

"We all deserve better from our leaders, especially in the current context.

"Rather than making obscene suggestions about me, maybe you should think about what you are going to say to millions of Australians when one of their soldiers parades in an orange jumpsuit at Guantanamo Bay – for publishing the truth. You can prevent this. "

Assange, Anderson wrote, "does not get a fair goal; his human rights are openly violated ".

"I hope that Australia now has a leader strong enough and convinced to take him home," she wrote.

"Australia and the world are watching how you treat your citizen, your publisher, who desperately needs the help of his own government."

Assange s 39; refugee in the Embassy of Ecuador six years ago, after the British courts had ordered his extradition to Sweden, who was to be questioned for sexual assault.

The case was eventually dismissed, but Assange remained at the embassy because of concerns about his extradition to the United States.

However, his relations with the embassy have deteriorated considerably since then.

Last month, he filed a lawsuit against the Ecuadorian government over the new rules of the embassy that restricted his wifi access and ordered him to clean his bathroom and take better care of his cat. Assange said the new rules "violate his" fundamental rights and freedoms ".

Then, last week's records suggested that Assange was also indicted in secret by the US Department of Justice.

The 47-year-old Australian is also trapped in the investigation into Russia's interference in the 2016 US elections, due to the publication on its website of tens of thousands of e-mails stolen by Russian hackers of the presidential campaign Hillary Clinton and other Democrats.

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