Pamela Anderson launches into a "romantic struggle" with Julian Assange of Wikileaks


Assange was a refugee at the Embassy of Ecuador in 2012 after the British courts ordered his extradition to Sweden for him to be questioned in the course of a case of sexual assault.

Pamela Anderson talked about her relationship with Julian Assange on 60 Minutes.

Pamela Anderson talked about her relationship with Julian Assange on 60 Minutes.Credit:New

This case was dismissed but supporters claimed that Assange was afraid to be extradited to the United States when he left the embassy. WikiLeaks published the US diplomatic and military secrets when Assange led the operation.

"Defend your friend and get his passport back for Julian and bring him back to Australia, be proud of him, and scroll him when he gets home," said Anderson, asked about his message to Mr. Morrison.

Anderson confirmed that she had a relationship with French footballer Adil Rami, but said his connection to Assange was a "romantic struggle" to "educate the world".

"We do not have a relationship, but I feel very close to him and I feel closer to him than a lot of people have approached," she said.

She dismissed suggestions that Assange would have told her what to say, adding, "I think I have some value because I think people think that it's a computer screen and that I humanize it. "

When asked if a "physical" relationship would exist if Assange was out of the embassy, ​​Anderson said in a timid voice: "Who knows?" He is a little pale for me.

Anderson also sparked criticism in the interview, with comments denigrating the #MeToo movement.

"Feminism can go too far, I'm a feminist but I think this third wave feminism is boring, I think it paralyzes men, I think this # MeToo movement is a little too much for me – I'm sorry, I'll probably get killed for saying that, "she told interviewer Liam Bartlett.

"My mother taught me not to go to a hotel with a stranger.If someone wears the door in a bathrobe and that's supposed to be a work meeting, I should maybe go with someone else. "

When Bartlett asked her if she was talking about Harvey Weinstein, she answered "Yes".

"I think some things are common sense, or if you go find the job," she added with a laugh.

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