Pancreatic cancer survivors invite the public to learn about the third most difficult cancer to conquer


URBANDALE, Iowa – The Des Moines Pancreatic Cancer Action Network is organizing an event to publicize the third most challenging cancer to fight.

Pancreatic cancer has a survival rate of only 9% over five years.

Beth Day, a four-year survivor, said that he knew only 12 survivors in the metropolitan area of ​​Des Moines.

"There are not many survivors. When I was diagnosed four years ago, there was no support group. It was a question I asked my oncologist and he said we did not have any survivors yet, "said Day.

According to the Hirshberg Foundation for Pancreatic Cancer Research, an estimated 55,400 Americans will be diagnosed with the disease and 44,330 will die from it.

Pancreatic cancer is located behind the stomach, near the spine. It is difficult to find early detection.

"I had to have a stomach ache. I simply could not overcome the pain in my stomach and eventually, I knew something was wrong. I just knew that I had to be my own lawyer and continue to call the doctor to go back and say something was wrong, "Day said.

Some symptoms include: abdominal or back pain, weight loss, loss of appetite, nausea, stool changes, recent diabetes, and blood clots.

The day passes every six months for a checkup to see if the cancer recurs. She will be five years old without cancer in May 2019.

The Des Moines Pancreatic Cancer Action Network is organizing an event on Thursday around the theme of "World Pancreatic Cancer Day" to raise awareness and hope for members of the community.

"I hope this will give them hope and not give up. People hear about "cancer," but with pancreatic cancer, it's a very bad chance for survival. So we will try to give them more hope, "said Day.

People can go to Smash Park in West Des Moines from 6:30 pm. at 9:30 pm to learn more about the disease and talk to the survivors. The group will be in the bridge of Smash Park.

In addition, the group is organizing 'Purple Stride Iowa', a 5 km run / run to raise money to fight pancreatic cancer.

Day's team raised $ 5,000 last year. She hopes to double this year in the honor of not having cancer for five years.

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