Panel says New York State should legalize recreational marijuana – The Buffalo News


Marijuana should be legalized for recreational use in the state of New York, a Cuomo board of directors recommended in a report released Friday.

Legalize and regulate pot would be beneficial to public health, has the potential to generate "substantial" tax revenue for the panel concluded in the 74-page report

"The positive effects of a market regulated marijuana in [New York State] outweigh the potential negative effects, "said the panel.

Among the panel's recommendations:

  • The legal age to buy marijuana should not be less than 21.
  • The maximum amount that could be purchased in one transaction should be one ounce [19659007]. the state should remove the criminal record of people with marijuana-related offenses.

Estimates of Total Potential State and Local Government Tax Revenue During the First Year of Legalization Based on an Analysis by the Department of Health and the Department of Taxation

State Health Commissioner Dr. Howard Zucker said last month that the group would recommend the legalization of marijuana

. follows Cuomo's request in January for a study on the issue. Political opponents and critics of the governor emphasized what they describe as Cuomo's rapidly changing stance on pot legalization. In the past, Cuomo has opposed the legalization of recreational marijuana and has termed it an "entry drug".

Nine states and Washington DC have legalized the use of marijuana to people over 21 years of age. Non-profit organization DC that says its mission is to end the ban on marijuana.

The report was produced with the contribution of several state agencies with "subject matter experts" in a number of areas.

If the state decided to continue legalization, it would be necessary to examine further the issues related to implementation, the panel found

the campaign for Cynthia Nixon, who is challenging Cuomo . in the Democratic primary, accused the governor to use the issue of marijuana to divert the attention of Thursday's sentence of a senior state official.

"For eight years, Governor Cuomo oversaw the criminalization of communities of color with the chief of drug policy among the tools used to do so.Today, his administration approves the legalization of marijuana not because it's the right thing to do, but to distract from the attention of its high economic aid, "said spokeswoman Lauren Hitt

. "The timing of the announcement pushes us to wonder if Cuomo is hoping that New Yorkers are stoned too much to remember that the architect of his iconic economic program is Nixon has called for the legalization of marijuana since the beginning of his campaign.

The report arrives a day after a jury rendered guilty verdicts in the bid. Kaloyeros loading trial, Buffalo promoter, Louis P. Ciminelli, as well that two promoters from the Syracuse region, were convicted by a federal jury on Thursday of fraud and conspiracy to commit telephone fraud

Legalize the pot in New York? A state sign says yes

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