Papa from Miami thought that a good Samaritan was rendering his wallet. He met ICE instead.


A Miami father, an Argentinian immigrant seeking permanent residence, lost his wallet this summer. When he received a call from someone telling him that he had been found, he went to pick him up. To his surprise, he was greeted by immigration officers and customs officers, who arrested him.

The man, Flavio Musmanno, has been living in the United States since 2000. Although his visa has expired, he is married to a US citizen and is applying for permanent residence, Rise News reported.

Musmanno was in Ohio for construction work when he lost his wallet at a gas station. An hour later, he received a call from someone claiming to have found the wallet and offered to return it. But when he met the individual on August 28, he was arrested by ICE officials, according to the Miami New Times. He has been in detention since then and is expected to be deported to Argentina on Tuesday.

Musmanno's daughter-in-law, Paola, told The New Times that ICE agents did not identify themselves on the phone. She also stated that the Citizenship and Immigration Services had recently confirmed that she had received her green card application.

"They just want to expel him," Paola said. "They will not tell us anything else. We sent them the petition he filed, but they simply ignored it and continue to say that they are going to deport him. And things are not good from where we come from – if people find out that he was living in Miami, they might think that he has money and try to steal it or to kidnap him. "

In a video of Rise News, Musmanno's 15-year-old son Musmanno, Francisco Musmanno, said he saw his father in an Ohio detention center.

"His fingers, his skin was peeling off because of nervousness," said the teenager. "You could see that his movements did not look natural, he did not feel well."

ICE did not immediately respond to a request for comment.

The family has launched a GoFundMe page to help pay court fees.

"After begging letters [ICE officials] to reconsider, they refused his release and decided to send him back from the country, "reads the page. "After hearing these heartbreaking news, we are asking for contributions."

"He will leave behind his wife, 4 children and 2 grandchildren," the family added.

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