Parents who named his son after Hitler convicted of being neo-Nazis


The parents who named their son after Adolf Hitler – and who posed with the baby with a swastika flag and a Nazi salute – were convicted of belonging to a British neo-Nazi group.

The judges of the Birmingham Crown Court decided unanimously that Adam Thomas and his partner, Claudia Patatas, 38, were part of the banned National Action group.

The trial, which lasted four weeks, included photos of the 22-year-old father holding his newborn son, his middle name, Adolf, wearing a white hooded dress from the Ku Klux Klan.

Another picture showed Thomas and Patatas of Portuguese origin with the child, the swastika flag and the salute "Heil Hitler".

Thomas claimed that the photos were "just play" but admitted to the court that he was racist. He was also convicted of having a terrorist manual, "The Anarchist Cookbook," on his computer, which explained how to make a bomb, including a "soft drink can bomb."

Prosecutors said Thomas had "a fanatical and tribal belief in white supremacy".

Daniel Bogunovic, 27, was also sentenced.

Three other men – Darren Fletcher, 28, Nathan Pryke, 27, and Joel Wilmore, 24 – pleaded guilty to being members of the National Pre-Trial Action.

All six will be sentenced on December 14th.

National Action was formed in 2013 but banned since the assassination of Jo Cox, a member of the British Labor Party, in 2016.

The far-right extremist Thomas Mair shot in the head against Cox in the head and stabbed him 15 times because of his anti-Brexit stance.

He attacked the mother of two, shouting, "Keep Britain's independence!" And "Britain first!", The Guardian reported.

Mair is serving a life sentence.

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