Passengers evacuated after the fire aboard a plane at JFK airport


QUEENS, N.Y. – A fire broke out in the Delta aircraft at JFK Airport, the FDNY announced Monday.

The plane, which was heading to Accra in Ghana, was busy at the time, officials said.

According to a Delta statement, Delta Flight 420 halted its takeoff as a result of a speed warning indication.

As the plane returned to the gate, it appears the brakes overheated, Delta officials said.

Port Authority police officers, airport crews and firefighters responded to the Boeing 767 at approximately 1900 hours.

The flames were extinguished 30 minutes later, according to fire departments.

In a video posted on the Twitter account of the Association of Beneficial Harbor Police Authorities, you can see firefighters watering and lathering their wheels and equipment.

Delta officials issued a statement in which they said: "We apologized to our customers for the inconvenience."

205 passengers and eight crew members were evacuated and re-booked on other flights, officials said.

No injuries were reported.

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