Passengers on 4 Southwest Airlines flights possibly exposed to an infection


Passengers on four Southwest Airlines flights to Texas may have been exposed to measles in the last 16 days. The flights were between Dallas, Houston and Harlingen.

The airline said it made contact with flight passengers, one of whom was later diagnosed. According to a spokesman for Southwest Airlines, the airline will not disclose any information about the traveler who may spread the disease.

"Our safety and security groups have been working with the CDCs (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention) to support the agency's work to reach our clients who have traveled on four intra-Texas flights the week last, the airlines said.

"We shared situational awareness and protocols with our employees who were also on board these aircraft," the statement said.

The passenger later diagnosed with measles flew on the following flights:

  • Flight # 5 between Dallas and Houston on August 21, 2018
  • Flight # 9 between Houston and Harlingen on August 21, 2018
  • Flight No. 665, between Harlingen and Houston, August 22, 2018
  • Flight # 44 between Houston and Dallas on August 22, 2018

The health services of Dallas, Houston and Harlingen warned the passengers, by letters, of the infection. According to the CDC, if a person has measles, 90% of people close to that person who are not immunized will also be infected.

However, a doctor told local media that people at the airport were much less exposed to the virus than passengers who shared the plane with the patient.

"That's why our goal is to directly contact passengers to inform them of the risk, inquire about their immunization status and to ensure that they are monitoring the symptoms and consulting a doctor if necessary," he said. said Dr. David Persse.

Symptoms of measles always include fever and at least one of three types: cough, runny nose or runny nose, conjunctivitis. Other symptoms include dry cough, watery eyes, photophobia or sensitivity to light, sneezing, reddish-brown rash and body aches.

The symptoms will appear about 9 to 11 days after the initial infection.

The health department said Thursday that passengers exposed to the patient could develop symptoms until 12 September.

Complications of a measles infection can include diarrhea, vomiting, eye infection, respiratory tract infections such as laryngitis and bronchitis, breathing difficulties, ear infections – which can result in permanent hearing loss and febrile seizures.

A passenger who received a letter from the Dallas Health Department told NBC 5 Investigates that she was now concerned about certain symptoms.

"Mostly, as I said, rashes appeared on my legs, I talked to the health department and explained my symptoms, so their advice was to go to the doctor. I've advised to consult my doctor, "said Monica Nicholas.

Southwest Airlines Southwest airlines taxed at McCarran International Airport in Las Vegas on November 19, 2014. The airline said in a statement that passengers traveling on four flights to Texas in August 2018 may have to be contracted measles. Photo: REUTERS / Mike Blake

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