"Passionate vampire" in Fort Wayne, lying in a coffin for 30 hours at the amusement park


ST. LOUIS, MO (WANE) – A Fort Wayne "vampire enthusiast" competed in the 30-hour Coffin Challenge at Six Flags St. Louis this weekend.

Rogers said that she had done it because, "knowing that this was part of the vampire lifestyle, you know how to help others by being in one of them .. Of course, I 've gone over the time that a vampire would be in one of them, but I knew I could have this part of that lifestyle.

Stevi Rogers was one of six people to get up from the dead, so to speak, after spending 30 hours in a coffin at the Palace Theater Courtyard in Six Flags. The group climbed into their wooden coffins at 1 pm Saturday and emerged at 7 pm Sunday.

Over 45,000 people applied to enter the contest, including only six, including Rogers.

The Fort Wayne woman, who describes herself as "a vampire enthusiast intrigued by legends and her way of life, especially by using coffins to help their eternal rest," won a pair of passes Gold Season 2019, two Haunted House VIP passes, on the Freak Fest Freak Train and $ 300 for his troubles.

She also had to keep the casket in which she had gone to bed. She said that she would make a bookshelf. But for now, the 7-foot coffin will become his coffee table.

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