Pat Shurmur says New York Giants' struggles are due to execution, not to heartlessness


EAST RUTHERFORD, NJ – The New York Giants' coach, Pat Shurmur, sees a locker room with a "ton of heart" and thinks that the team's offensive struggles have more to do with the "rage". performance only with any other performance.

Shurmur 's comments took place after star catcher Odell Beckham Jr. confided to ESPN' s Josina Anderson that he thought some giants were not bringing enough money. energy every day. Beckham, who signed a $ 95 million contract to become the highest-paid distant receiver of the league this summer, also said the team's heart was part of their current struggles.

"I know this, our team really has a lot of heart.Our team plays with a lot of energy," Shurmur said Friday at the Beckham assessment question. "What we did not do was we did not really perform as well as needed. It's really … instead of energy, it's more execution. And I think that's what we're all looking for. "

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The Giants, with all their tools and brilliant weapons, have failed to score 20 points in three out of four games this season. Quarterback Eli Manning is 3 out of 12 on 20-yard passes or more.

They played 37 consecutive games until 2015 without scoring 30 points. They all searched desperately for answers.

The Giants (1-3) play the Carolina Panthers Sunday in Charlotte.

Beckham is popular and his respected teammates have erased his words. Some even considered them positive.

"I have no problem with someone who is trying to hold his teammates to account," said special teams captain Michael Thomas at the New York Daily News. "Everyone has energy, but we do not perform as well as we need to, you can always use energy, always more heart and all that, and that's all there is to it. is fine in that sense, but you have to run at the end of the day and when you do that, everything else will work out. "

Shurmur said that he talks to his players all the time. He mentioned being interviewed with Beckham on Friday morning, but did not reveal whether they had specifically talked about his recent comments.

Shurmur seemed puzzled when asked if discipline would arise from this incident.

"Why?" Said Shurmur.

Beckham has 31 catches for 331 yards in four games this season. But he has not reached the end zone, has not exceeded 20 yards since the second week and was clearly frustrated in the defeat on Sunday against the club. Saints of New Orleans.

In an interview with Anderson earlier this week, Beckham was questioned about what was at the heart of the team's problems. He began by mentioning the energy and the fact that they do not bring it every day.

"Playing with the heart, we just need to play with heart," he said.

Beckham then added, "Why can not we throw the ball more than 20 meters, why not try throwing the ball for 20 meters?" These are the questions to be solved.

"But for the moment, it's our heart, our energy, what we bring when we align before the game, all that matters."

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