Patrick J. Smyth denies being at party with Kavanaugh


Patrick j. smyth

Patrick J. Smyth denies being at the presumed party with Brett Kavanaugh and Christine Blasey Ford.

Patrick J. Smyth, a former high school classmate named by the Supreme Court, Brett Kavanaugh, denied attending the alleged party where Christine Blasey Ford stated that Kavanaugh had attempted to sexually assault her in the 1980s, according to CNN.

Smyth, in a letter to the Senate Judiciary Committee from his attorney and obtained through the cable news network, denied knowing of such a party, claiming that Ford had identified him as being there, saying: Brett Kavanaugh's conduct towards women. Instead, the letter from Smyth's lawyer praises Kavanaugh, saying that he knows "that he is a person of great integrity, a great friend ".

Everyone involved was in high school at the time. Kavanaugh, Donald Trump's candidate for the court, categorically denied the accusation of Ford, a registered Democrat, professor and researcher at Palo Alto University in California. Mark Judge, a writer based in Washington, DC, had already introduced himself as Kavanaugh's classmate whom Ford accuses of being in the room when she says that Kavanaugh fumbled him and told him put his hand before escaping. She did not accuse Smyth of being in the room during the so-called attempted assault; her letter says that she said that he was at the party.

Kavanaugh categorically denies the 36-year-old charges. The judge also denied the charges because his lawyer told the Senate Judiciary Committee that he did not remember the so-called party and that he had never seen Kavanaugh act as Ford described.

However, Ford's letter – sent to Democratic Senator Dianne Feinstein – indicated that four people were at the party in addition to herself (the judge and Kavanaugh are the other two, and the third did not been named). one of these four people named by Ford (but not publicly) but was not there.

Here's what you need to know:

Smyth's letter indicates that he believes that Christine Ford identified him as being at the party

christine blasey ford

Holton-Arms School YearbookPhoto from Christine Ford's 1984 yearbook.

Smyth's lawyer sent a letter to the Senate Judiciary Committee that says that Smyth thinks it's a person named "PJ" that Ford would also have at the party. Smyth and Kavanaugh both graduated from Georgetown Prep in Bethesda, Maryland in 1983, according to a document from alumni who both contributed to the school's annual fund. (A social media message from a parent refers to Smyth as "PJ.")

"I understand that I was identified by Dr. Christine Blasey Ford as the person she remembers as" PJ "who was supposed to be attending the party that she described in her Washington Post statements" said Smyth in his letter to the Senate. Committee, according to CNN. "I am issuing this statement today to make it clear to all concerned that I have no knowledge of the party in question; I have no knowledge of the allegations of improper conduct she brought against Brett Kavanaugh.

CNN reports that the letter continues: "Personally, I have known Brett Kavanaugh since high school and I know him as a person of great integrity, a great friend, and I have never witnessed Brett Kavanaugh's inappropriate women. To protect my privacy and my anonymity, I respectfully request the Committee to accept this statement in response to any inquiries from the Committee.

Patrick Smyth is General Manager of a large company

Brett Kavanaugh's parents

GettyBoth parents of Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh, Everett and Martha Kavanaugh, and his wife Ashley Kavanaugh, listen to his testimony before the Senate Judiciary Committee on the second day of his confirmation hearing at Capitol Hill on September 5, 2018. in Washington, DC.

In July, Patrick Smyth signed a letter from the Georgetown Preparatory alumni, who congratulated Brett Kavanaugh on the Senate Judiciary Committee. This letter identifies it as:

Patrick J. Smyth
Director General, PwC
Potomac, Maryland.

The Patrick J. Smyth LinkedIn page, who held this position, says, "Patrick is CFO's CFO Executive Director with more than 25 years of experience in the insurance and financial services industry. investment management. He has held senior positions in operations and finance at a Fortune 100 organization.

His LinkedIn page indicates that he has held the position of PwC for more than 11 years. Prior to that, he held the following positions, according to LinkedIn:

Company name The Meltzer Group
Dates used 2006 – 2007
Duration of employment 1 year
Location Bethesda, MD
Montgomery Insurance

Company Name Montgomery Insurance
Dates used 2002 – 2006
Duration of employment 4 years
Location Columbia, MD

Liberty Mutual Insurance
Director – Mergers and Acquisitions
Company name Liberty Mutual Insurance
Dates used 1996 – 2001
Duration of employment 5 years
Location Boston, MA

The page states that he holds a BA in Finance from Boston College in Finance and an MBA from Boston University Graduate School of Management.

The 9 July 2018 letter, which preceded the publication of the allegations, opened by saying, "We represent a wide range of achievements, vocations, political beliefs, family histories and personal lifestyles. We are united in our common belief that Judge Brett M. Kavanaugh is a good man, a brilliant jurist and eminently qualified to serve as associate judge of the United States Supreme Court. athlete and active participant in the body of the school. Smyth was one of the multiple signatories. You can read the letter here.

Mark Judge also wrote to the Senate that he does not remember the alleged party

Mark Judge

FacebookMark Judge

Barbara Van Gelder, Mark Judge's lawyer, wrote a letter to the Judiciary Committee of the Senate, which stated that Mark Judge did not want to testify. The letter explains that the judge has nothing to offer the committee because he does not remember the party in question and has never seen Kavanaugh act as described. It reads:

I did not ask to be involved in this case, and no one asked me to participate. The only reason I'm involved is that Dr. Christine Blasey Ford remembers me as the other person in the room during the alleged assault.

In fact, I have no memory of this alleged incident. Brett Kavanaugh and I were friends in high school but I do not remember the party described in Dr. Ford's letter. Specifically, I have never seen Brett act as described by Mr. Ford.

I have no further information to offer the Committee and I do not wish to speak publicly about the incidents described in Mr. Ford's letter.

Here is the judge's letter:

Judge is a writer from DC who has written extensively on his high school years, including the alcohol-fueled party culture.

Christine Blasey Ford went public at the Washington Post. She did not publicly name Patrick Smyth. However, the post office indicated that she had given them two other names, but they could not reach these people. The only person she allegedly claimed to be in the room during Kavanaugh's alleged sexual assault was the judge, but, again, he denies the charge.

The Senate Judiciary Committee is trying to hold a hearing with Ford and Kavanaugh on September 24, 2018, but it is not certain that this will happen while Ford's attorney is now seeking an FBI investigation. Ford told the Washington Post that he had passed a polygraph, but his lawyer did not provide additional details about it, according to Fox News.

READ NEXT: Mark Judge Biography

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