Paul becomes rich new contract with Rockets »Manila Sports Bulletin


Publication 9 July 2018, 15:00

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  Chris Paul (AP Photo / Sue Ogrocki)


Chris Paul (AP Photo / Sue Ogrocki) "width =" 640 "height =" 428 "class =" size-large wp-image-45372 "srcset =" /uploads/2018/07/AP18182172937662-350×234.jpg 350w,×428.jpg 640w, https: //sports.mb / wp-content / uploads / 2018/07 / AP18182172937662.jpg 1024w "sizes =" (max-width: 640px) 100vw, 640px "/>

Chris Paul (AP Photo / Sue Ogrocki)

] NBA star athlete Chris Paul has officially signed a new deal with the Houston Rockets on Sunday, with NBA MV James Harden making Houston a new favorite

The New Deal of Paul will last four years and will cost $ 160 million.

Paul gets an average of 18.6 points, 7.9 assists, 5.4 rebounds and 1.66 shot blocked season for the Rockets, who lost to Golden State in seven games in the finals of the Western Conference.

The R ockets were 50-8 in the games where Paul played during the regular season, and 23-2 when he scored at least 20 points.

Paul, 33, was sixth in the NBA in assists, 11th in interceptions and second in percentage of free throws with an accuracy rate of 91.9%.

In March, Paul recorded his 2,000th career flight. Payton, and John Stockton as the only NBA players with at least 8,000 assists and 2,

Paul occupies ninth place in the history of the NBA in assists (8,708) and 12th in interceptions (2,008 ), leading all active players in both categories.

Paul is the only player in the NBA history averaging at least 18 points, nine assists, four rebounds and two steals a match. ( Agence France-Presse )

Tags: Chris Paul, Golden State, NBA, The Rockets of Houston, the Rockets

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